the return

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//Hello Everyone!! I have not used wattpad since early 2020!

Honestly, I just opened wattpad because I was going through my old docs and found this series's outline doc. I completely forgot about it until that moment.

Due to pure luck, it was on my personal email and not my school emails I used for fanfics!

It was an utter shock to me to see this had comments going back to more recent times- truthfully I thought it was buried somewhere in the internet never to see the light of day again!

I wanted to give some closure if there's anyone who wants it. I'll put the outline of the fic below this. Directly from the doc. Copy and pasted from 2018. (With some changes for readibility)

I have become a better writer since my first published fanfic and don't mind actually writing some more out if anyone does want that so do let me know if you do. Otherwise I will continue my life on AO3 anonymous accounts (people are scary ;-;) //


idea: so in this world May dies of a car crash that Peter was unable to help her or could but didn't make it in time, Peter continues spidermanning still even while living in an orphanage (oh and he hasn't met the Avengers). And the Avengers get a mission to recruit spiderman, who refuses, and the order was to bring him to the tower NO MATTER WHAT and (They meet peter parker from a stark industry tour) they bring an unconscious peter to the tower but has to go to the medbay thingy and the Avengers find out that Peter is 15 and learn how he lives in an orphanage so they bring in Peter and Peter lives in tower now but the Avengers realize that they were not prepared to take care of the baby spider, the Avengers try their best but quickly find that Peter managed to worm his way into the hearts of all the Avengers (and some non-avengers like Loki). (surprise, who woulda thought). Everybody wanted to protect the spider. Fluffffffffff ensues. Flash, Ned, MJ, and Peter are now friends, ever since flash found out about Peter and Peter stopped him from killing himself. Peter finds his new family. Peter almost dies when hydra attacks the tower. He ended up kidnapped by hydra for a couple of months (Liam told them he was Spiderman, Liam was forced to tell or be killed so yeah, and hydra got Liam at gunpoint so spidey gave himself up) before being found. and ends up in some middle ground between life and death i.e. a coma. Peter has to choose between his new family and his past family. Peter passes multiple tests and takes the door to his family. Peter wakes up in the tower. And after that life isn't perfect but everyone loves it anyway. Isn't perfect means he's even stronger (like bro seriously wtf how are you so strong wait I'm the author of course I know) and needs to figure out how to control it but has his super family with him. (oh my gosh what am I XDD) 

Part two: Anyway, S.H.I.E.L.D finds out and wants to find out more about Peter and do tests on him (they're bad tests) and look through his history (more than before) they find a box that's supposed to go to Peter on his 18th birthday. Despite the fact that he's fifteen he opens it, it's his parent's final words to him. There is a letter, a serum, and equations explaining it. As well as a necklace with two rings on it. The letter is about how his parents are sorry they couldn't be there for him, how they love him so much, and how he got his powers. Oh, and the rings on the necklace are his parent's wedding rings. Peter gets sad but he has a new family there for him and they love him and he loves them. On the bright side, Peter got a new necklace he wears 24-7!

Aunt may: Died in a car crash after she and Peter had a fight. She found out about Peter being Spiderman. Peter got mad and left. After swinging/running for hours, he got a call. Aunt May was in a car crash. The damage was unfixable. Peter got there in time to hear her final words telling him she loved him. Peter never got the chance to say "I love you" back. (i cried. Heck. why do I do this to myself)

Mini arc: after the field trip peter the #dumbass panics and accidentally says yes to Tony's intern position he and friends hang out with peter, although Wanda, Bucky, Nat realize and Clint just let the baby live (and maybe realize we'll see) bc spy assassins and Wanda is Wanda and everyone cares about peter and holy shit rage mode activated when yeeted gets yeeted

Flash (after Peter was adopted): Flash was constantly showing up to school with new bruises which he'd blame on fights but is just his parents doing. Oh yeah, his parents are abusive assholes so yeah. Flash was getting mugged when he got saved by Spiderman. Unfortunately, a villain appeared and in result flash saw spiderman without his mask on. Flash didn't come to school for a couple of days after that. When flash did he seemed disheveled and his normally pristine hair was messy. Peter, the worried bean he is asked what was wrong, Flash dragged him off to the bathroom and much to Peter's surprise he didn't hit him. Instead, he said sorry before breaking into sobs. Flash talked about how he saw Peter in the suit before. He says sorry over and over again. He says how his parents abused him at home and he wanted something to release his stress on. He kept telling himself that he wasn't wrong. That what he was doing was okay and kept giving himself excuses. But after he saw Peter in the suit he broke. He knew what he did was wrong. He always wished he could be like Spiderman, strong and powerful. He talked about how even though Peter went through so much he still saved people, saved him. He continues saying sorry and Peter forgives him, not flash (himself) though. The next day Peter finds a note on his locker. Peter being smart realizes that flash is planning on killing himself. Peter finds flash and shoots a web on to flash as he jumps off the tallest building in the city. Peter and Flash become friends. MJ and Ned are cautious but end up becoming friends as they trust Pete's spidey sense.

Fluff shots: PETER IS WORTHY!!!!!! A trip to the tower? Maybe after flash.... Peter and the interns. A day with the Avengers. Nasturtium flowers are said to symbolize patriotism ← gotta do that one about Steeb XD Mr.Harrington is an a-hole and flash (after) stands up for Pete. Holland (tour guide) becomes friends with Pete. Insanity ensues.

After fluff but before hydra: Peter's spider-sense been slowly getting louder and harder just like the few hours before Peter found out Aunt May died except it's over a period of a week. Peter gets a nightmare about the fire and his family trying to kill him. He wakes up and his spider sense is even louder and Peter is confused. Clint tries to scare Peter and for once succeeds. Peter is a mess and Clint notices. Clint asks what's wrong and Peter talks about his spidey sense with everyone and then there's a boom and hydra broke in.

Hydra: Peter's parents never died here (everyone thought they did but right before they did hydra kidnapped them) since they are famous scientists and they didn't want to give any of their technology to help them. Hydra tortured them and brainwashed them and they don't remember who they are other than people who work for hydra. Peter gets kidnapped by them. They torture peter for a couple of months. Peter, of course, recognizes them. The Avengers find where Peter is and save him. MJ Ned and Shuri are also there and they do the knock and Peter recognizes it and yells where he is so that they can find him. But before that, they have to fight Pete's parents when they are about to die they hear Peter talk about may, ben and themselves. They remember their past. They die on peters arms while hugging him as they talk about the past. Then Peter faints and goes into a coma.

Peter's Powers: When Peter was born his parents injected him with a special serum to keep him safe. They put it there to keep him safe from HYDRA as his parents knew that they would come after them, and in turn peter eventually. Although that they wanted Peter to have an at least semi-normal childhood so they made it so that his powers will only come out when bitten by their creations (like THAT radioactive spider) or if he is under extreme stress, like deaths of those close to him or torture. Anyway Peter's parents 'die' when he is 5 and he is under stress and gains some powers but he thinks his strength is normal and just happens as you grow older. 9 years later he gets bitten by a radioactive spider, a week later Ben dies with so much stress and the spider his already out of control powers get stronger

Ships (subtle): MJ x Shuri (cuz they a power couple), Interwebs (it's cute), STUUUUCKY, (old, no more friend zoned at budapest) Clintasha, Salt n Pepper (new ver), Bruce x Thor

// Man that was so 2018 I physically took damage still so nostalgic tho//

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Mar 13 ⏰

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