Chapter 4

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I wake up with a bright blue sky above me. It was mid-day. Wait mid-day? I thought it was night? Wait am I outside...? What happened to the orphanage!?! And am I being held by someone?

I look up and see a green face. Hulk.

All my memories of the previous night comes back in a snap.

"Heya Hulk!" I say happily, one less Avenger wanting to fight me at least.

Hulk looks down at me and smiles when he sees me. "Hello Baby Spider!!!" he yells

"I'm not a baby" I say back, not pouting. I didn't pout. I DIDN'T POUT. (Peter is an adorable bean of course he pouted)

"No Spider tiny and small. Look!" he says (loudly)

I touch my face and notice a distinct lack of a mask. I forgot I took it off during the fight. Whoops. At least Hulk won't tell anybody. Right...?

"Hulk will you tell anybody how I look okay." I say sternly. "No one must know. Not even the avengers"

Hulk seemed to visibly shrink at that. Wow I didn't know I was that scary. Must run in my genes.

"Hulk tell no one" he says

"Not even Mr.Banner." I say, not knowing the extent of his abilities or even if he COULD communicate with him.

"Puny Banner Cannot Even Remember!" He says with a grunt that I interpret as a laugh.

Confident with the answer I received I decide to look around the warehouse. Well what's left of it. It wasn't completely destroyed during the fight but still had debris in piles everywhere. Just Hulk walking around would destroy it even more. Speaking about Hulk walking did he even move from that spot since I fell asleep? He couldn't have without destroying everything.

"Did you stay with me the entire night?"

"Yes. Hulk protect Spider Friend!" he replies happily. Huh.

Friends. Friends! FriENDS! MJ! NED! They must be worried about me! God im so stupid.

"Hulk this was nice but I have to go. Like right now. Sorry." I say quickly.

"Oh." Is all Hulk says, he looks really sad. Out of all the injuries I got that look he gave was the worst. I really didn't want to make the big guy sad but my friends needed me. I needed them.

"Bye Hulk! See you later?" I say, unsure if he'd want to see me again.

"Bye Baby Spider! Hulk will see Spider Later!" He says happily, his mood getting better at the thought of us meeting again.

"Bye!!!!" I scream as I sling off.

I continue swinging until I find the alleyway where I left my bag. I look around for my bag. Not getting discouraged I keep looking for it. And look. And look. But there's only so much you can look in a tiny alleyway. I know this but I don't care. I NEED IT.

I give up. I can't find it.

I fall to the ground.


No no no no no no no no no no.

I need my bag!

The rest of my clothes were burned in the fire!

If I'm not in my civilian clothes then I can't talk to MJ and Ned!

What if someone sees me with them! They would get suspicious and hurt them!

I can't let MJ and Ned get hurt because of my stupid decision to become a hero!

Too many people already got hurt because of that!

Too many people already died because of that!

I can't.

I can't

I can't

I can't

My mind is clouded in thoughts.

I can't breathe.

I'm breathing too fast but at the same time I'm not breathing at all. My chest feels heavy. My eyes let out a couple of stray tears. I curl up into a ball as if to shield myself from my own thoughts. I claw at my neck with my fingers, trying to breathe.

Nothings working.

Suddenly I hear a voice.

"Peter it's okay to be afraid, but right now you need to listen to me"

It was a voice I could recognize from anywhere. My friend's voice. My second mother's voice. My aunt's voice.May's voice.

"Can you follow me. Okay, good. Now breathe with me."

I remember this conversation. She told me this when Ben died.

"Breathe in for four"

I take in a breathe.

"Hold for seven"

I hold my breathe.

"Out for eight"

I breathe out.

"Good job honey. Now continue."










By now I am calmed down, the adrenaline slowly fading. Now that I am finally calmed down enough to analyze my situation I know that it best if I don't go to Ned and MJ in my suit.

Now that I think about it I would have to wear my clothes over my suit as I don't think I'd be able to get out of it, not without hurting my already hurt wounds.

With the adrenaline gone I can feel all my wounds. The burns are all over my body and basically all my ribs are broken. Even the broken ankle I got during patrol is still not fully healed. Usually it would be healed by hours ago. If near death wasn't enough my healing is slow. Although it is still several times stronger than an average persons.

I think it'd be best if I go to MJ's place. MJ knows a lot about healing people. Her mom being a nurse and all. Good thing MJ's mom taught her first aid after her dad left them. Of course I can't just swing there, I'd be bringing suspicion onto her.

I look around for something that I can cover my suit in. I find an old jacket in a dumpster. It's a worn out yellow colour with a fluffy hood and some fluff around the cuffs of it's sleeves.

Not the most sanitary but it is just worn out and has no holes in it so I take it. I close the zip all the way so it cover most of the suit.

I shove my mask into a pocket. Now it just looks like I'm wearing weird red and blue tights with matching gloves but it works.

With this I run to MJ's house.


Hello people! I am back!

I'm sorry I'm really lazy so I kept pushing this back but here it is!

This one was kinda hard to write as I myself have gotten anxiety attacks and it kinda hurt to write it but whatever!

I really wanted to write MJ and Ned talking to Peter about the hero's and being nerds in this one but I felt that this was a nice place to stop.

But don't worry! I will try to get the next one out as soon as possible!

As always stay cool and don't do drugs.

- Dabbing Apple

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