Chapter 3

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For fuck's sake.

All I wanted was some time to relax. But that is too much to ask for huh?!? I think to myself to face the Avengers... again. As I turn around I see Ironman again. Seriously why is he after me so much!?!

"Are you here to fail again?" I say, not bothering to keep the tiredness out of my voice.

"You're already hurt so let's do this the easy way. Come with us." He says calmly.

"How about... No." I say.

I shoot a web at a building to get away.

"So we're doing this the hard way huh?" he says, almost sounding apologetic.

'Why would he sound apologetic' I ask myself.

Suddenly I feel my spider sense tingling as I jump to my left, just as a giant green fist punches at my previous spot. I recognize that giant green fist. I gulp as I look up straight into the threatening eyes of the hulk... This won't end well.

"Hulk smash, Bad spider" Hulk says as he smashes his fists on the building. I dodge it.

"Hey let's not fight big guy," I say, trying to get away from anywhere people may get hurt. Aha! A warehouse! That'll work.

I web over to the warehouse as fast as I can. It looks abandoned but looks can be deceiving. I look over it, making sure that no one is there before I go in.

"No Spider, Fight Hulk," Hulk says as he chases me to the warehouse.

I can kill people with a punch who knows how much it'd take for Hulk? I really don't want to hurt him. So instead of fighting back I just keep dodging. I'm not sure how many punches I can dodge before I get hit.

I jump up as he punches again. I backflip over his fist as I web it to the ground. When I finally think that I am good. Out of nowhere, he punches again, except this time he doesn't miss.

"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA" I scream as his punch sends me flying back into a wall of the warehouse. I definitely broke more than a couple of ribs. God, it hurts. It feels as if a thousand knives are stabbing me all over, the previous injuries are not helping.

Hulk punches me again.

I can't even move fast enough to get out of the way with all my accumulated injuries.

He punches again.

I gasp as I hold onto my sides. I can feel my insides breaking. It hurts. I scream.

The Hulk just stares at me confused. "Spider no fight Hulk?"

"I-i -gasp- don't wa- heave- nt to h-hurt you" I manage to say despite the pain.

The pain is crushing. I can't breathe. I take off my mask in an effort to breathe. I look up to see Hulk lifting up his fist to punch me again.

Is this how I die? Looking up at the green face of the hulk? What about Ned? And MJ? They need me! The world needs Spiderman! I don't want to die! I don't want to go! I want to live! I have to live! I c-can't die.

Hey... if I die will I be able to see May again? And Uncle Ben? Momma and Poppa? I look up at the roof. Maybe that wouldn't be too bad.

I close my eyes and patiently wait for my death. The final punch that will mean the end of Peter Parker.

But it never came.

I open my eyes and see Hulks fist in front of me. He isn't punching? I look up higher to look at Hulk's face. Why isn't he punching me?

Hulk lowers his fist and asks me, "Spider good?"

"Yeah I'm a good guy," I respond in a shaky voice.

I look down again and see a tiny flower growing out of the cracks in the floor. It's a purple Hyacinth. I look back up at Hulk, he seems sad.

"W-why are you sad?" I ask even though I should probably be using him distracted as a chance to run.

"Little Spider nice to Hulk but Hulk hurt Little Spider," he says in a way that resembles a kicked puppy.

"If it makes you happy I can be your friend?" I say, but it comes out like a question. I can't leave him sad like this, even if he did almost kill me he doesn't deserve it.

"Hulk never have a friend." as he says this my heart shatters for him. Are the Avengers not friends?

I want to help Hulk. I pluck the flower out of its resting place in the floor.

"Here this is for you," I say as I hand it to him.


"It's a purple hyacinth. It represents sorrow and regret. But it also represents forgiveness," I say looking into his eyes. "Do you want it?"

Hulk stops for a second, not making a move, just staring at me. Oh god, or should I say, Odin? Yeah, I'm saying Odin. Oh, Odin! I definitely screwed the pooch on this one. He's definitely gonna kill me. He's gonna hate m-

I'm not given a chance to finish my train of thought as he pulls me in for a hug. At least I call it a hug, it's more like squishing me to death but close enough.

I groan quietly under the pressure of the hug. Or I thought it was quite because he hugs less hard, but still hard enough to kill a regular person.

"Little Spider Hulk friend!" He yells much too loudly for my delicate eardrums.

"Yes, yes but can you put me down it kinda hurts" At this Hulk looks very deflated. As if someone came and poked his ballon with a needle.

"Hulk sorry," he says

"It's okay I forgave you already!" I say with a smile.

He puts me down gently on the floor beside him. He sits down carefully so that I don't get hurt. Despite how rough looking he is outside he is actually really soft. Like a marshmallow. I lay down on him and for the first time this day I can finally relax.

With everything that has happened, and so recently, I feel like I actually deserve this for once. No Flash. No Helen. No orphanage. And no avengers chasing me.

Just me and a giant green marshmallow. With this thought, I drift off into the unconscious with the sound of the wind behind me.

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