Chapter 18

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"What the fuck," Mr.Captain America Rogers mutter softly, so quietly only me and Mr.Bucky heard it.


I guess Mr.America does swear

That's... but... PSAs... I... what????

Mr.Bucky isn't even surprised.

Has Mr.America always sworn???

Wait didn't Mr.America break a bunch of laws to even enlist?

Why do people think Mr.America is perfect...

My life has been a lie

What next his birthday isn't July 4th or that he's broken a law before?

Probably both by my luck.

I bet it's in December.

"What the actual, and I cannot stress this enough, everloving FUCK?" Mr.Ironman Stark sir says slowly, stretching each word for emphasis.

"Hey hey hey! Cap doesn't like that kind of language!" Miss Wanda says

Mr.America sighs loudly and says exasperatedly, "I said that once. Once."

Mr.Bucky laughs.

Everyone else in the room joins in on the snickering.

I don't tho bc I'm not a traitor. Like everyone else. I still get flashbacks to two minutes ago when they laughed at me.

Does it still count as flashbacks if it was two minutes ago???

Yes. Yes, it does.

I just throw an egg at him.

A much better option.

( this is for you @RMK98986  )

Though Mr.America was about to put his head down so I missed him.

At least nothing bad happened from that so I don't have to face the fact that I don't have any self-control.

A sharp high pitched shriek interrupts everyone's laughter.

Nope. Nu-uh.

I spin around on one heel so I don't have to face the fact that I hiT IRON FRICKING MAN IN THE FACE WITH AN EGG.

I am looking away. I do not see it.

Responsibilities for my actions??? What are those?

"D-did you just throw an egg at me?" Mr.Ironman Stark sir exclaims, sounding very scandalized.

"W-what? No, I see nothing there is nothing! nope. Don't know what you're talking about! Egg what egg? What's an egg? Never heard of her! But may interest you in unfinished cookie dough?" I ramble wringing my hands, refusing to turn around and see the mess I've made.

"Peter?" Mr.Bucky asks in the voice of a patronizing parent

"It was an accident-" I turn to face Bucky and make it halfway through my sentence before being interrupted this time. Wow. New record.

"HOW DO YOU ACCIDENTALLY THROW AN EGG AT SOMEONE's FACE???" Mr.Ironman Stark sir screeched. Sounding like more of a bird than Clint.

"I mean Peter started an egg cult by accident once. It's not off the table for him to throw an egg and it lands on someone's face" MJ states calmly, staring at her phone. I bet she's on Tumblr right now.

Finally. Someone is on my side.

"OH MY GOD, I REMEMBER THAT!" Ned yipped excitedly.

Ned's been quietly in a fanboy freak out this entire time. I feel bad for him. I think he might faint at this point.

"Honestly thoooo. It had an egg bible and everything," Shuri wheezes, "ahhh the good 'ole days"

"I still have no idea how it got over 100 followers (⊙.⊙)" I say solemnly, even when saying the emoticon

A confused/amused silence filled the air.

Us not explaining and everyone else being hecking confuzzled.

"I can't tell anymore if this is just a Shuri thing or a today's teen thing," Mr.America breaks the silence

"It's a Shuri. What do you think??" and "It just be like that sometimes" are told from Ms.Wanda and Mr.Bucky respectively.

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