Chapter 10

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Turns out since Shuri planned this tour she can come with us through the entire tour.

Not that that's a bad thing.

Having all my friends here makes me track less attention.

By Flash.

Every time Flash has tried to say something bad about me Shuri starts defending me by destroying Flash.

RIP Flash

He got all my friends angry at him.

Which would be the best if it wasn't for the fact that one of those friends was a fricking princess who knows the Avengers pretty well and attracts a lot of attention.

Like now for example.

"Hey, Shuri!" Hawkeye says jumping down from the vents.

She sighs and says, "What do you want Barton?"

"Wow, you're so mean today! I was just gonna ask if you wanted to join my side for prank war! And what are you doing in the lower labs anyway?" Hawkeye says asking each question after each other quickly.

She sighs again. Probably doesn't want to deal with him right now.

"First of all, I am meeting my internet friends, face to face, for the first time today! (They're super awesome btw) I don't have any time for you! Or the rest! So why don't you leave? And tell the others not to come either. Cause yall old as fu-" Shuri starts before getting interrupted by-


"Shuri we gotta keep it Captain America friendly!"

"Ah yes....those" Shuri says in disgust

"What?" Hawkeye says confused


I drew attention to myself


I'm so good at this

"Oh umm at school we have these PSAs...," I mumble

Hawkeye's enhanced hearing aids hear somehow

"Wait, wait, wait," he snickers, "Are you telling me Cap made PSAs, and they show it at school?" He howls holding onto a nearby table for balance, as otherwise, he would be rolling on the ground in laughter.

My face flushes in embarrassment... why is life like this? Parker luck what did I ever do to you? Exist?

"This is gold!" He laughs before running out of the door.

At least he's gone now.

"I gotta tell the others!" I hear Hawkeye say through the door.

Nothing could go wrong from that.

"Come on Peter were going to be left behind at this rate!" MJ says pulling my arm

"Now we will be going into the avengers' museum!" Holland chirps

Ma,n I wish I was as enthusiastic asHollandd. Or had his face. Or his personality. Or that one kid in the heart of the sea.

"Everyone gets 30 minutes to explore so have fun!" He says clapping his hands.

Each case has their first suits and weapons (with the dangerous parts taken out of course).

Each has 10 fun facts about each avenger. Like who knew the god of Thunder got tased before?

Each case is also in order from who joined first to last!

First is Captain America

(idk the order)

And that's it!

"And that's all of them!" I say happily- no I was not fanboying what are you talking about.

"Uh, no there is one more," MJ says pointing at an empty case.

"Yeah it looks like it's under construction," Shuri says pointing out the fact that's it's covered in yellow 'construction' tape

"I wonder why they would have another?" I mumble to myself

"GASP" Ned gasps starstruck

"Wha-" Shuri starts quoting (what the fuck Richard)


I do not start fanboying.

I don't.

Ignore MJ laughing over there it doesn't have anything to do with me.

"This is so cool bro... but why didn't they tell me?" Shuri asks genuinely confused

"Good point," I say thouhtfully

"Eh it's probably nothing," Shuri says shrugging

"Yeah, it's probabally nothing!"


Sorry I thought this posted yesterday but it didn't.....

im tierd

im going back to bed


-dabbing apples

p.s. I guess the update day is saturday now

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