Chapter 17

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Wow-what a really long walk to the kitchen maybe it was for the plot (it was plot)

The avenger's kitchen is so big???

Why does one need so many toasters???

Thor??? Does Thor need that many toasters??? Does he steal their electricity???? Is Mjorner secretly powered by toasters????

Gasp is Thor a toaster????

I've been lied to all my life and I never knew

"WHY ARE THERE SO MANY TOASTERS?!" I exclaim then notice everyone's looking at me- MJ, Shuri, Ned, Mr.Bucky, Ms.Scarlet Witch Wanda Maximoff



She just laughs

Like the rest of the traitors in this room.

"Well while you weren't listening Bucky was asking what Wanda was doing here" Shuri laughs at me

"It's not my fault I'm spacey af," I say while attempting to do a hair flip but alas I have short hair

"Beauty," Shuri says while MJ and Ned clap

"This is beautiful," Ms.Scarlet Witch Wanda Maximoff Ma'am says

Everyone is evil. And against me.

"But why are you here?" I ask, in a very manly way, shut up

"I wanted to bake cookies. Duh." Ms.Scarlet Witch Wanda Maximoff Ma'am says matter of factly

"Why does everyone want to meet my friends??? And why not just,,, do it conventionally??" Shuri questions them

"Shuri you, and I quote, "I don't need friends! Friendships are boring! I have robots!"," Ms.Maximoff says in a very high pitched voice

"And doing stuff normally is boring," Mr.Bucky answers the second question cheekily.

Honestly being Shuri's friend normally is a ride on its own, but now??? It's like tripping.

Glad to know where Shuri gets her chaotic energies from. The Avengers. Just like all of them.

At least I'm not the biggest dumbass in the group anymore.

Wait no

I'll always be the biggest dumbass in the group.

Alas I'll have to live a life of suffering and alone due to being the biggest dumbass in the universe.

No one can save me.

I'm all alone in my dumbassery-

"Peter! Help get the flour!" Ned exclaims wobbling under the weight of the bag of flour.

Huh. Forgot about that.

I grab the bag of flour with ease and place it on the counter.

(ive made the executive decision to make bakers mad) (i bake why do i hurt myself like this) EDIT: I couldn't do it all the way :(

"Okay now pour 72 cups of flour into the mixing bowl," Mr.Bucky says so I take the entire bag of flour and dump all it's contents and take out a cup of flour.

"So I add this cup into the bowl, right?" I ask, double-checking

"Yes, that's cup number 72," Mr.Bucky confirms

"Okie then!" I say while dumping the cup into the pour while not looking at it

The flour goes everywhere


I take another cup of flour and pour but this time carefully.

At least I tried

"I wanna crack the eggs!" Shuri screams raising her hand up

I flinch at the sudden loud noise and rub my ears. Owww that hURT

Shuri sends me an apologetic glance before going back to excitedly staring at the eggs.

Haha egg

"Okay crack the 3 eggs in the bowl, Shuri," Mr.Bucky instructs Shuri

Shuri does so with little ease.

She accidentally breaks one so hard the shell is now a part of the yolk.

Another accident slips out of hands and cracks open on the floor.

"Do you want me to do it?" Ms. Scarlet Wanda asks her gently

"No I can do it," Shuri says with conviction

Ms.Scarlet Wanda doesn't look like she believes her.

Ms.Scarlet Wanda raises her eyebrow and says, "You sure?"

Shuri pelts the egg at her.

Ms.Wanda screeches when the egg hits her.

"WHY IS IT SO COLD???" She screeches before magicking more eggs and throwing them at Shuri

"EGG WARRRRRRR," Shuri yells handing some eggs to MJ

MJ and Shuri start yeeting eggs at Ms.Wanda

Ms.Wanda convinces Ned to join her team, albeit with little convincing needed.

The kitchen is a mess.

Mr.Bucky makes the only sane choice and leaves the kitchen.

I decide to follow Mr.Bucky because you know what? I've had a long couple of hours. I want a nap.

Team no team!

Suddenly I feel the pull of my Spidey Sense telling me to dodge something.

I jump onto the couch as an egg whirls past me.

Oh no everyone's looking at me again.

In a moment of pure clarity I yell, "THE FLOOR IS LAVA!"

Everyone screams.

Mr.Bucky jumps onto the coffee table but it breaks so he just decides to sit on what remains of it.

Ned jumps onto a chair. Screaming.

MJ casually jumps onto the kitchen counter. She blends in as if that was her home.

Shuri attempts to do the same but she knocks over the chocolate chips and they spread everywhere.

Shuri, not wanting to disturb the chips anymore than she already has jumps and sits in the sink.

The kitchen is dead silent, as no one wants to speak first.

Then the door opens and Mr.Captain America Rogers sir and Mr.Ironman Stark sir walk into the mess.

They both look horrified.


i did a write!!!!!!


this chapter was hard to write.

but expect the next one to come soon. because i like the next chapter.

Anyways see you later guys gals and nonbinary pals!

-dabbing apple

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