Chapter 8

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The longer time passes in this elevator the worse I feel about this.

"In the future, one of you guys may become interns here. Although it isn't easy. To be an intern here you have to be extremely smart, be able to get dirty and a lot more. Despite this, age, schooling, race, money, gender, none of that matters here. As long as you can pass the 'intern' test, as we call it, you can become an intern. It's even technically possible for you to become interns! The only qualification you need is the smarts! Speaking of..." Holland rambles as the elevator continues to go up.

I look at the floor numbers, wait were still on floor 3?

Wow, this is taking a lot more time to go up than I would think an elevator in a high tech building would take....

Or maybe it's just me.

Probably the latter, I'm kinda panicking if you hadn't noticed yet.

"And that's our schedule for today!" Holland says, clapping his hands together

I wasn't listening....

Frickity fracky snick snack.

Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha.

I love anxiety. (sarcasm 100)


The ding of the elevator breaks my train of thought.

I hide behind Ned and MJ as we walk out of the elevator.

We follow Holland through the hall and into, what looks like, a lab.

I wonder whose lab this is.

"These are the intern labs!" Holland says, waving his arms around us.

Welp that's one question answered. Now could you be nice and answer my 50 other questions?

"All around you, you can see many interns hard at work," Holland says, extremely enthusiastically.

He must really love the interns.

If it wasn't for the entire Spiderman thing I would want to be one too!

I accidentally let out a sniffle from this thought.

"Hey, Peter it's okay-" MJ starts to comfort me

"I BET PENIS IS CRYING BECAUSE HE KNOWS HE'LL NEVER BE AN INTERN HERE!" Flash yells, or not. I don't know. My senses are too overwhelmed.

"Hey! There's a no bullying policy here!" Holland says, angrily.

"It's not bullying if he's fine with it," Flash scoffs.

Holland pulls Flash away and lectures him when someone- or some people- come into the room.

"Are you the tour group whos here for today?" Someone asks

Holland walks over to the people, probably to tell them that yes, yes we are the tour group.

My eyes follow Holland.

Holland walks over to


Bruce Banner.

I really hope I did the right thing to trust Hulk.

"Hi, I'm Dr.Bruce Banner, also known as the Hulk. Although you all probably knew that already," he says eyes looking at everyone.

Dr.Banners eyes scan over everyone. The way a professor looks to make sure they have the entire classes attention not the 'im looking for someone' kind of way.

When he looks at me his eyes show no sign of recognition in any way.

Thanks, Hulk. You're the best marshmallow friend a spider can have.

"I was the only one who was SUPPOSED to come but she insisted on seeing this group for some reason," Dr.Banner says, sighing

Oh god- Tho- Loki's a god... I'll say oh Loki- Oh Loki! Please don't tell me there's another.

"This is the princess of Wakanda, Shuri," Dr.Banner says, exasperatedly

If you listen closely three gasps could be heard.

A gigantic one from Ned who had his mouth fallen so down I can see lava.

There was MJ who had gasped in surprise if you could call it that. More like a small breathe intake and pupils barely decreasing in size. Michelle Jones the master of the emotionless facade.

And there was me. I was in the middle, basically looking like Ned but a little less surprised and happier kinda look.

"What's up it's ya boi... skinny penis!" Shuri yells with a smile, the meme-ness unable to leave her.

"ZI!!!!" The three of us yell at the same time

"Yooooo vine queen! Meme bros! What's up!" she says happily

If smiles could hurt your eyes then you would be blind.

All of us were smiling like idiots and hugging.

"You said you wouldn't be back until tomorrow!" I said wiping tears from my eyes.

"Wow, you're really excited to see me huh?" Shuri says, giddily.

"Yeah! You won't believe what happened!" Ned says before I could quite him down

"I think I could believe it..." Shuri says and grabs me and whispers into my ear, "Especially after I found out you were Spiderman."

"Wha-" I start trying to deny it

"Come on dude! Why didn't you tell me you were Spiderman!?!" she says, still whispering into my ear

"Since you didn't tell me you were the princess of Wakanda," I sassed, being near Shuri really brought the old me, the normal me before... out.

"Come on dude! That's unfair!" Shuri yells no longer whispering or talking into my ear.

"What?" Dr. Banner asks confused

"Oh, these are a couple of my internet friends! I kinda knew they were coming and really wanna hang out with them!" Shuri tells him

Dr. Banner sighs and says, "Alright you four can go play until this session is over, got that?"

We all nod our heads.

"Alright, then go," He says nodding to the hallway

We don't need to be told twice and run into the hallway and find an empty meeting room to talk in.

"So now explain," Shuri says once we all sit down.


Wooooh! I wrote that! Yay! I did it instead of my work... hahaha

I'm so proud of myself

Flash: You literally wrote only 800 words


Flash: you know having to be specific makes it even worse right-



Me: ...........

Also, let it be known I suck at keeping things under wraps for one chapter XDD

Y'all already knew it Shuri.

Anyways don't drink bleach and tide pod smoothie (it doesn't taste good) and remember to maybe be an alien

-Dabbing Apple

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