Chapter 9

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No one wants to go first.

Time to force Shuri to go first.

"No u," I say and Shuri succumbs in defeat while I smile.

"Okay, I guess I have no choice in this anymore," Shuri says shrugging

"Well, first of all, why didn't you tell us you were in America!" MJ huffs

"I DID TELL YOU GUYS!" Shuri says smacking the table

"Well I didn't see the text," Ned says and leans back in his chair

"ARE YOU CALLING ME A LIAR!?!" Shuri yells and we instinctively yell, "WELL I AINT CALLING YOU A TRUTHER"

"Anyways I texted you guys this morning, check you're phone Peter," Shuri says pointing her index finger at me.

"Okay, okay," I say as I check my pockets for my phone.

It's not in my pockets?

I check a couple more times.

Where is my phone?

"MR. HARRINGTON STOLE MY PHONE," I yell standing up

"Oh yeah, he took your phone... that was the most uneventful thing that has happened recently," MJ says, deadpanned, as I sit back down

"Oh so that's why you didn't see them," Shuri says

"When did you get back?" Ned asks before anyone else can ask, Ned is very excited.

"Yesterday... but then I realized something awesome and didn't text you until this morning," Shuri says as if shes explained the biggest questions in the universe.

"What did you realize not-a-loser-loser?" MJ asks inquisitively.

"Well... after I came to America I was surfing through the information in Ironman's database and saw you're school won at something so I was like 'Why not make a field trip for them to come over!' And kinda planned this last minute and decided not to tell you guys until this morning." Shuri explained sheepishly

"Oh thank god," I say letting out a sigh of relief.

"Soooo... you're the reason for this trip happening to us right?" Ned asks, making sure we understood correctly

"Yup," Shuri says, shrugging

"Good," MJ responds.

"Wait why? Guys... what's going on?" Shuri asks worried something might be happening to her friends.

".....Karen?" I say

"I've hacked into FRIDAY and anything said here will not reach her sir," the metallic voice filling the air.


"....Sorry, Ned...." I say apologetically

"Ned thinks it's okay now tell me what happened," Shuri demands me

"You see..." I start

"Go on..." Shuri insists

"So the Avengers maybe might be trying to capture Spiderman and ended up with me getting really hurt..." I say with a pained smile

"How hurt?" Shuri asks, her voice low

"Well-" I start, planning on saying my injuries were less than they actually were but MJ seemed to have noticed my plan.

"He broke his foot from when they chased him, had burns all over his body from a fire they didn't even help him with when they were right there, and a countless amount of broken and fractured bones from when they sicked Hulk on him, and that's not counting how slow it healed due to him being underfed and abused at the orphanage," MJ says leaving no room for anyone to talk

If looks could kill, there would be a dead body here.

"Excuse my language but WHAT THE FUCK" Shuri screamed angrily

"Sorry-" I start apologizing

"Peter it's not your fault you got hurt to stop apologizing," Shuri says before turning to MJ and Ned "Why. Why would they hurt Peter! He didn't do anything wrong! He never does!"

"Apparently having a secret identity is illegal now because all they told me was that they needed to figure out my identity," I say, salty about the reason, but regret my decision to say so after I see Shuri's face.

I have seen Shuri after we wake her up to show her a meme,

I have seen Shuri after getting pranked,

I have seen Shuri when she can't tell what's wrong with her equations.

But I have never seen Shuri this angry before.

"oN THE BRIGHT SIDE, I HAVE A NEW GREEN FRIEND WHO HASN'T SNITCHED ON ME!" I said, my voice breaking, quickly trying to calm her down.

Three different variations of ''re friends with the Hulk?' were heard

"Yup" I reply




"I tried to tell you, Ned," I say smirking

"Also what do you mean he hasn't snitched on you?" MJ asks

"Uhhhh... so I might or may not have kinda accidentally letHulkseemyface," I say quickly.

"PETER" MJ, Ned, and Shuri yelled

I decide I have to say the only thing that can save me from this situation.

I take a deep breath in ready to scream the sentence.

I hear the door open.

"IT WAS FOR THE VINE," I screech jumping around with Shuri laughing, MJ throwing her book at me and Ned chasing after me, trying to tackle me down.

There standing in the door watching chaos ensue was Dr. Banner

Dr. Banner mumbles something around 'teenagers' and 'What did I expect? Its Shuri's friends'

"'s time to go back to the tour," Dr. Banner says in an exasperated voice


Okie so I wrote this in the mourning so this may suck sorry.

Also, look at how many days in a row I've been writing!

And procrastinating!

So much procrastinating.


Flash: ...

Me: aren't you gonna say something bad?

Flash: nah you did it on time today, so nah

Me: Omg Flash said I did okay... THAT MEANS I PASSED

Flash: I was unaware this was a test

Me: mean it wasn't?

Flash: *facepalms*

Peter: *high fives* YOU PASSED YOU GET A RIBBON *hands ribbon*

Me: *cries*

Peter: why are you crying?


Peter do more than one consecutively and nicely without procrastinating on the rest of your life then I'll give you a cookie

Me: I'll do it

Welp, you heard me the next one is gonna come soon!

(for the cookie)

(pls give me a cookie)

(I just want cookies)

(and hugs)

Anyways have fun and remember to do the nightly comas! 

-Dabbing apple

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