Chapter 14

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"Hey look! There are children!" Captain America yells and they stumble into the little section of the hallway we claimed as our own.

"Hey don't run away like that! I wanted to talk to you guys!" Hawkeye (jeez he's persistent) says

"... you wanted to talk to us?" I ask, in a questioning tone

"OF COURSE! HAVE YOU SEEN YOURSELVES!?!" Hawkeye shouts, doing hand motions.

"Yeah, Shuri said you have a bright mind like hers I wanna see if that's true!" Ironman says with underlying excitement in his voice

Is... he really excited-

"Besides Bruce won't talk to me since I broke into his lab and accidentally destroyed one of the things he was working on."

Welp nevermind

"bitCH-" Dr. Banner started but was cut off.

"LaNgUaGe! There are kids here!" Captain America shouts holding us away from Dr. Banner.

I swear 90% of the things I've heard Captain America say is 'language'

"NO, STEVE, NO! HE BROKE THE PROJECT I'VE BEEN WORKING ON EVER SINCE I GOT BACK FROM SPACE!" Dr. Banner screamed, his voice filled to the brim with disdain and sadness.

"Why are all scientists drama queens," Captain America groans into his hands.

"ALL THE OLD MEN SHUT UP! I HAVE TO MEET THE CHILDREN WHO ARE FRIENDS WITH SHURI!" The Scarlet Witch yells pushing Ironman, Hawkeye, Dr. Banner and Captain America out of her way towards us.

... Are... are the Avengers always this chaotic?

The heroes were fighting so much about who was gonna hang out with us first they didn't see Black Widow approaching us.

"You four will come with me to the training room. I'm teaching you self defence," Black Widow says, cooly.


Shuri squeals and whisper shouts to us, "Nat never lets anyone train with her!!!!!!"

"Yes well you guys are the exception," she says turning to face us before walking, expecting us to follow.

As we follow Black Widow all of us are pretty excited.

MJ is this close to losing her shit that the feminism icon Natasha Fucking Romanoff is about to train us.

You can't see but my index finger and thumb are touching.

Shuri is already pumped up. She's 20 times more than her max and we haven't even got to the training room...I wonder what stuff Shuri's seen in there to be so exciting? (the avengers fighting sound pretty cool when you're not on the receiving end of it)

I'm pretty sure Ned died from over-excitement but we drag his dead body with us anyway.

We take some (read: a lot) of turns and elevators to get there. It must be a safety thing.

When we walk into the training room, it's the biggest gym I've ever seen.

There's an entire section of punching bags and a pile of broken punching bags on the side of it, probably thrown there when it broke.

There's a bunch of little (I say little but there gigantic) of raised platforms used for, presumably, for sparing.

There's even a parkour section!

"Alright this is the gym, and when I'm done with you lot you'll be able to choke a 150-pound tall man with your pinky toe in heels," Black Widow says, putting her hands on her hips.

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