Chapter 7

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The bus ride feels much shorter than it should be.

As the tower gets closer and closer to the famous tower the more I can feel the anxiety weigh in my stomach.

I feel tears start to pool in my eyes.

I blink rapidly to try to push them back.

"It's okay Peter, we'll get through this. Trust me. We'll be right beside you all the way. After all, were family." MJ says in a soothing voice.

"But w-what if it goes wrong?" I ask voice breaking.

"We'll punch the fuck out of them!" Ned practically screams

I feel the edges of my mouth twitching up.

I start giggling then start full on laughing.

I grab my stomach as I double over. From laughing.

"Hey! I'm not joking!" Ned says, laughing at how hard I'm laughing.

"I-i know," I gasp, trying to regain my composure. "I was just think-thinking how happy I am to have you guys as friends."

At this MJ and Ned smiled.

"It's kinda sad that our quartet won't be able to be there, for moral support," Ned says, sadly.

"We still haven't talked to her off facetime and text yet Ned," MJ says, flicking her index finger into his forehead.

"Besides Zi doesn't know about them... nightly activities" I say in a whisper.

"You should tell Zi eventually," Ned says softly, knowing I didn't want her to get hurt, especially if it was because I am spiderman.

Zi... I miss Zi. She said she was coming to America in a couple of days! And we'd finally be able to meet her face to face! I'll tell Zi when she gets here! I wonder what Zi is doing.

I suddenly feel a bunch of vibrations on my thighs.


"Wha-" Ned starts asking before I interrupted him.

"Zi texted me! We were literally talking about her two seconds ago! I swear she's a physic" I say as my phone starts vibrating more.

"Well, what did not the loser say?" MJ asks me.

"Why are we losers but she's not!?!" Ned screeches

"Because you two are losers" MJ retorts.

I smile at my friends, man I love my friends.

"Anyway, what did she say?" Ned asks, shoving MJ to the side as MJ mutters something that sounds oddly like, "Stupid Nerd"

"Wait, wait! I'm checking!

I unlock my phone but as I tap messages my phone is snatched from my hands.

"Mr.Parker, Mr.Leeds, Ms.Jones, I think you should get off the bus like the rest of you're classmates before we leave you behind!" Mr.Harrington yells at us

"Sorry Mr.Harrington," we all mumble as we leave the bus.

"Can I have my phone back, sir?" I ask as politely as I can for the hope of getting it back.

"No, I am confiscating this until further notice.

We run up and join the group.

We make sure to stay as far back as we can without looking suspicious.

Flash on the other hand is at the front as if he was our leader. That narcissist.

Flash is talking with his friends, just like everyone else.

The tour guide comes over and everyone quiets down.

"Hi, there! My names Holland and I will be your tour guide for today!" he says with a big grin plastered on his face.

He hands out plain white badges to everyone.

"These are Omega badges. They are the lowest level and they only take you where I go so you better not get lost! If you lose your badge then there'd be a security issue and our head of security doesn't like that much so make sure not to lose it! You can keep the badges after the tour as a souvenir, but remember that they deactivate when the tour is over so don't try any funny business!" he chirps

After his speech about security, we go through that security.

After everyone has gone through Holland asks, "Before we start are there any questions?"

Only one hand shoots up as everyone really wanted to get on with the tour already.

"Yes you at the front," Holland says.

Surprisingly it's Flash.

"What are the other levels?" Flash asks

Holland smiles and answers.

"Well, there are 5 levels. Omega, as you have, is the lowest meant only for tours and paparazzi. Then there is delta which is for janitors and other low floor workers. Gamma is for interns and mid-level workers. Beta is for high-level staff. Alpha is for the Avengers, Pepper Potts, Tony Stark, and their friends and families. Although each level is separated into numbers as well but I believe that is enough information for today. But if you end up working here I'll definitely tell you." Holland says, kinda fast.

He looks around for more hands but when he sees none he continues.

"Come follow me," he says as we make our way to an elevator.

We get in and it's crowded with so many teens in there. I end up squished between Ned and MJ.

I start to feel claustrophobic and my spidey sense flares.

The doors of the elevator close excruciatingly slow.

This won't end well.




Peter: You were still late

me: Shut up. I'm supposed to be worried on my 3 projects due this Friday

Peter: Well why aren't you?

Me: I literally had an anxiety attack about them

Peter: fair

on another note, I realized this book is gonna be loooong

My original idea, basic sketch kinda version, is an entire page long paragraph.

I'm 7 chapters in.

And I'm not even done the first two lines of it.

Anyway have a fun day- a night here- guys, gals, and non-binary pals!

-dabbing apple

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