Chapter 2

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The so-called orphanage was just a run-down building. 

It shouldn't be called an orphanage, it's just a place where people keep the children nobody wanted. 

The director didn't care what happened to the children there. The old director even let the keeper hurt everyone there. The keeper's name was-


Well, speak of the devil.

"WHY THE HELL CAN'T YOU DO ANYTHING RIGHT," the keeper, Helen (it's always fucking Helen) said raising her fist to punch the 5-year-old kid, Liam.

The world would end before I would let anyone get hurt when I could save them, either as Spiderman or Puny Parker. I stand in front of Liam as Helen punches me on the face. OOOohhh I am so gonna get it now.

"What was that Parker?!? You always gotta buzz into someone else's business huh?!?" Helen says as she pokes my chest, glaring.

"It becomes my business when you try to hurt someone" I sass back, my alter ego rising from within me.

Helen looked as if she was going to pop a vein. "DO YOU WANNA KNOW WHAT IS YOUR BUSINESS?!?" she screamed.

"Actually yes I do," welp say goodbye to Peter Parker, everyone.

She looked as red as the sky when the sun rises. I let her grab me and shove me into the small, claustrophobic, closet.

"And don't expect dinner as well, the food would be wasted on the likes of you." She says as she closes the door.

The closet was a dark shadowy garden of flowers made of webs. It was too tiny. Too dark. It could barely fit a 10-year-old. There were spider webs in the corners. He and Kevin were the only spiders in there so often. Yes, I named the spider Kevin. Kevin was the nicest part of the closet, and I was scared of spiders.

I could easily break down the door but that would be suspicious so I just settle into the dark shadowy closet. After all, it wasn't the first time I had been put in here and it definitely wouldn't be my last. I close my eyes and let the darkness cradle me to sleep.

_________LE TIME SKIP____ (who knows how long but it is like 3 am when it ends)_________

I wake up to the smell of something burning. I could recognize that smell from anywhere, after May's death. The smell is really close as if I was in a burning building... oh fuck

I try to get up but hit my head on the wall. I bang on the door but it was locked. Normally I would just let myself stay there until the door burned or the firefighters found me but it wasn't just me in the building. All the other orphans were in there.

I kick down the door without hesitation. I run and grab my backpack to get my spider suit so I can do something about the fire. I change into it in an alleyway before running back to the orphanage.

By the time I re-reach the orphanage the fire is ablaze. It burns a fiery red as if it was hell itself, which isn't too far off honestly. A couple of the older kids are out but the majority are nowhere in sight.

I rush inside, quickly, through the debris. I grab a couple of the tiny kids and bring them out before going back inside to help more. I keep going in, grabbing kids, and get out in a long cycle. By this time I have burns and bruises everywhere from saving the kids before. Even with my enhanced healing, this level of burns would take a couple of days to heal. It feels like forever had gone and come back by the time I managed to get all of them out.



Great Peter just great perfect time to forget. Impeccable timing really. I yell at myself as I run back in once again. I look around desperate, knowing that I only had a little time before Liam would die if not from the fire than the smoke.

After what feels like a long time I hear a small cough from under some rubble. I breathe a sigh of relief knowing that I could save him. I rush to get there when I see the rubble slipping.

It feels as if time is slowing down as I run to protect the kid. I don't have enough time to get him out. Instead, I used my already damaged body to hold up the rubble. I have to strain to move the rubble off me. I definitely broke a couple of ribs.

I look down to notice that Liam is passed out on the floor. Shit. I take off my mask and put it on his face. It is a breathing mask so he can breathe without inhaling smoke. He definitely needs it more than me anyway. I clutch the five-year-old to my chest as I try to get out of the burning orphanage.

I start to leave as black dots cloud my vision. I inhaled a lot of smoke. It took a long time but I made it out of the red burning hell of a building. I cover my face with my hand so no one can see my face.

I take my mask back when I give Liam and the others to the paramedics.

"Spiderman are you okay?!? Those are some really bad wounds!" one of the paramedics says

"Perfect! How are the kids tho?"

"They'll be fine thanks to you. Thank you!"

"All in a day's work," I say with a mock bow.

"I'd love to stay and chat but I have some crime to stop," I say as I web sling back into an alley.

Man, what a day. First Flash being, well, Flash. Then the Avengers trying to capture me. Than fucking Helen. Now a fire. At least we'll have a slightly better place to stay until they find another place to dump us in. Sighing I grab my backpack. I just want to go to bed, and maybe some food (what having an enhanced metabolism and no dinner can make you hungry). I really hope nothing big happens tomorrow.


For fucks sake.


Hello I am alive!!!!! Sorry I haven't posted.... But whatever posting at 3 am on a school night... I am fine. I promise I will post more. 

 Well, see you next chapter guys gals and non-binary pals!

-dabbing apple (I still don't know why I am a dabbing apple but okay)

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