Chapter 5

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I turn the last corner and there, in full glory, is MJ's house. The lights of MJ's room is on. That's good. That means that MJ's home. School must have ended

Cautiously I knock on the door. Me, MJ and Ned have a special knock that tells the rest of us that someone thing is wrong and to open the door quickly. We've never been in an situation where we've actually needed it but it's still nice to have.



Knock knock knock


Knock knock

Immediately after I do the knock MJ opens the door. She pulls me inside to her room (no not in that way you perverts) stares at me, eyes wide, taking in how I look. I probably look terrible.

No scratch that I look terrible. My hair is messy. I am wearing an old jacket I found in a dumpster. The bags under my eyes making it look like I haven't slept in weeks. I am way too skinny. And my wounds are everywhere.

"You look like shit," MJ states seemingly finding her words again.

"You can tell me that again," I say sarcastically.

"Okay. You look like shit" she says smirking.

I roll my eyes at my best friends antics.

"Okay what happened this time loser?" She asks suddenly becoming serious. MJ doesn't get serious except when she's worried.

"A lot,"I say, it'd take a long time to explain anyway "And I'm kinda hurt"

"Fine. Tell us later then, first let me see your wounds so I can at least assess the damage." she says poking my shirt

"Us?" I ask as she cuts my suit off my body carefully so it doesn't affect the wounds.

"Yes me and Ned- aaaand what the actual fuck did you do? This is a lot of damage for someone who was fine yesterday and has enhanced senses" she asks as she sees the extent of my wounds. "God have you even BEEN eating!?!"


MJ sighs as she rubs her temples with her index finger and thumb.

"You can't just forget to eat- it was Helen wasn't it" she says with venom so strong it sends shivers down my spine.

"You got me there" I say as she finishes up bandaging my wounds.

Suddenly Ned comes in the room "Peter are you okay!?! I got MJ's texts! What happened!?! I heard about the fire!!! You didn't come to school either!!! I was worried sick! We were worried sick! Did something happen as Spid-" I clamp my hand on my best friends mouth, don't get me wrong Ned is an amazing friend but he has a habit of ranting. A lot.

"Hey Ned, you came just in time to hear Peter explain why he has many, many many, burns, a whole lot of cuts, bruises and a bunch of broken ribs and other bones!" MJ says with a fake smile.

"What!?!" Ned screeches.

"Listen guys I'm okay-"

"Since when?"

"It's just that I may or may not run into some of the avengers-"


"Yes, and they wanted me to go to the tower and find out who I was, so I was like naaaah bro and they were like yaaas bro so I was like skedaddle skadoodle oops i broke my foot oodle and got back to the orphanage yadayada it lit on fire somehow so I put on my suit and went to help and then I went back for my backpack and they came back like surprise motherfucker and brought hulk, I don't need to explain the rest. On the brightside I have a new green friend" I said quickly awaiting their reactions.

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