Chapter 13

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"Um... hi," I say rubbing the back of my neck.

"Hi," Scarlet Witch replies looking dumbfounded, as if she couldn't believe this was true.

There is an awkward silence and we stare at each other.

"OMG HI, I AM ALSO A FRIEND OF SHURI!" Ned squeals, inner fanboying showing through.

"Hello," MJ says emotionlessly

Shuri smiles at us then waves back at the Avengers.

"Yes I actually have friends and these are them," Shuri says smirking

"Wow and you don't even tell us you knew them, let alone introduce us," Ironman quips


Scarlet Witch, Hawkeye, and Vision start chanting 'tell us, tell us, tell us, tell us, tell us'

"Okay, okay," Shuri says putting her hands up in surrender as she gets up.

She pulls me up and says, "This is Peter. He is tiny and adorable. He's basically as smart as me but a loser."

"HEY!" I squaked and MJ snickered

She then went over to MJ and MJ gets up without Shuri's help, saying, "This is MJ. She is badass and cool. Fear her."

MJ just smiles, but not a nice smile, no, a smile that looked like if Pepper Potts and Natasha Fucking Romanoff had a child (this actually sounds like a nice ship... the power lesbian couple, Salt n Pepper (cuz Natasha salty as fuck))

"I beg to god don't let this girl meet Pepper and Romanoff," I hear Ironman mutter

I smirk, oh little does he know no one can stop MJ.

"And this is Ned. He is our Man in the chair. Our man. The man," Shuri says as Shuri helps him get up.

Ned gives her a thumbs up.

"Anyway if that is done we have to leave," Shuri says as we gravitate towards the exit.

Dr. Banner and Shuri's big brother just looks done with us as if this has already happened too many times with Shuri around (it probably has)

"HEY! You can't just leave-" Hawkeye squawks as we slam the door closed.

"Oh my god Peter I swear if we were in there for even a minute more you would have been caught," Shuri says exasperatedly, crossing her arms.

I shrug and look away, "Guilty as charged,"

This causes MJ and Shuri to sigh at the same time.

"Seriously Peter?MJ starts

"Why can't you lie for shit?" Shuri finishes, both saying their part very exasperatedly

"We managed to get out of this situation but what about the next?" Ned asks, putting a hand on my shoulder to calm me down, honestly, Ned is the only thing keeping me grounded right now.

"W-we c-c-can do i-it! W-we h-have t-t-to!" I say stuttering every word that comes out of my mouth.

They glace sadly at me.

"Yeah it is, like we'd ever let you get hurt!" they say and I smile.

"After all we're a family right?" Ned asks

"Yup!" I reply popping the 'p'

We stand in confortable silence for a while before Shuri breaks it.

"...but they're a family too," Shuri says reluctantly

"So? We can still kick their asses!" MJ says, eyebrows furrowing.

"And we have people on both sides!" Ned exclaims pointing at Shuri.

"Yes, yes now smile Peter, the cinnamon roll must remain happy," Shuri says and MJ and Ned nod their heads, agreeing.

"We're a family!" We say pumping our fists into the air.


I am publishing this at school so-

oh shit a teacher is coming

Stay in school!


-Dabbing apple

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