Chapter 12

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It takes a couple of minutes but I start to hear loud and obnoxious chatter through a door.

They're coming.

I watch as all The Avengers slowly drizzle into the room.

Their laughing and talking made me slightly nervous but I gotta stay strong!

They kept pointing and looking in my direction but I'm pretty sure it's because of Shuri.

They sat down in their seats at the front and chattered away, like children.

Shuri seemed to act like this was normal behavior, so I assume it was.

Black Widow clears his throat and immediately everyone quiets.

It's been confirmed.

Everyone in the universe is scared of the Black Widow.

"I stan for this Queen," I say to my friends, but end up saying it a little bit too loudly because some of the Avengers hear me and chuckle.

"Peter you are good at the inconspicuous business," MJ whispers sarcastically, actually managing to whisper, unlike me.

"I don't need introductions so we'll get straight to the QnA. Wait. By the way this Clint, he is also an Avenger." Ironman says

Hawkeye glares at Ironman but they continue nothing the less.

(Probably because Black Widow was glaring at them)

Seeing as this was their chance to ask away everyone put their hands up waiting to be picked.

"The kid with the black hair," Ironman says pointing at Flash.

Because he ALWAYS gets picked first. If I wasn't trying to be inconspicuous I would say that it's unfair but alas, here I am.

"What's it like being a hero?" Flash asks, nicely... for once.

"Well, there are no words that can describe being a hero," Ironman says, trying to be poetic (but failing).

"It's nice. To help people. Even if you get hurt along the way, all that matters is that the people you care about are fine" Hawkeye says with a smile on his face, the others nodding in agreement.

"You the blonde girl in the sweatshirt," Ironman says (again) pointing at Betty Brant.

"Why would you want to be a hero? Wouldn't it hurt you? Is it worth it being a hero if it hurts?" Betty Brant asks tilting her head, her eyebrows furrowing in confusion.

"Yes. Yes being a hero hurts. But the reward of keeping people safe. Their smiles. It's worth every bit of pain we take so that they may smile again." Captain America says looking down, fiddling with his thumbs, smiling.

A lot of people stop to reconsider what they thought of heroes.

"Kid in the red polo," Ironman (I swear he justs like picking people) said pointing at Abraham

"Even if us normal people don't have superpowers or save the world can we help people?" He asks, Abraham always wanted to be a hero.

I look over to Abraham and smile. Abraham has always been a nice kid. I wish there were more nice people in the world, like him. (Look in the mirror honey)

Captain America smiles and says, "There are many ways to help people and you certainly don't need superpowers

"You the child with the black hair pulled into a ponytail," War Machine says, pointing at Cindy Moon.

"Well no one was really told how you guys got back together after the Civil War, 2 years ago, so how did you guys work things out since it was such a big fight?" Cindy says curiously.

(What? Me? Using? A? QnA? As? A? Plot? Device? Never)

Their faces twisted in various ways, ranging from sadness to guilt.

This time Black Widow is the one to answer.

"Don't worry, we're allowed to answer. Well for the one year that we were international fugitives for we were still working for S.H.I.E.L.D. except, this time S.H.I.E.L.D. had to go undercover because of the calamity that is HYDRA. Our mission was to clean S.H.I.E.L.D., the FBI, and a lot of other military services of spies that have been planted by HYDRA. One spy which had been named General Ross. While Team Ironman tried to take him down from inside, Team Cap was working through the outside. After we managed to prove that he was working for HYDRA (much harder than it should have been), and many other spies, the accords were demolished as they were written by HYDRA. We still have accords, but written in a manageable way this time. And then a little time later Thor and Bruce reappeared, something about Ragnorock." She says in an 'I can kill you' way.

"Our queen is badass af" Shuri whispers in my ear and I giggle.

"Can I ask a question to one of them?" Hawkeye asks turning towards the others.

"No," Scarlet Witch says

"But it's important," He says pointing to Shuri

"Continue," She says, letting him continue.

"So like one of these children said something about Captain America PSA's and I need to know are there really-" Hawkeye starts before bursting into laughs, holding his stomach while on the ground.

Instantly everyone immediately knew what he was talking about and either starting smirking or full on laughing.

"Oh no, teenagers are smirking, that's never good" I hear The Falcon mutter.

Captain America was blushing and hiding his face in his hands

"Oh my god, they still play those?" He grumbled into his hands

"Here I have one!" Abe takes out his phone, showing everyone.

"So... you got detention. You messed up..." The video went on and on.

By the end of the video, all of the Avengers were laughing.

"Omg that was beautiful," Hawkeye says wiping a tear from his eye, "Thanks, kid. And thanks to Shuri's friend who told me about them!" he continues pointing at me.

"Wait... friends?" Wanda asks, "I thought Shuri said she doesn't need friends?"

"Queen" Ned whispers to Shuri

"Nah Shuri has three internet friends," Black Panther says

"Yeah Shuri stole them for the entirety of the beginning of their trip," Dr. Banner says looking at us four.

Their gazes follow Dr.Banners till it reaches us.

"Um... hi"


Here ya go!

In apology for being (really) late have a not short and longer than average chapter!

and also take this as an apology

and also take this as an apology

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Pls accept my apology

And remember! ummm, remember something!

-Dabbing apple

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