Chapter 2: Arrival in Kirigakure

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After four days of travelling Naruto and the others have finally reached Kirigakure where they are amazed by the sight of the village as it looks cleaner and more perfect than Konoha, the group comes up to the gates and is halted by Natsu and Mizu Yuki, cousins of Haku Yuki from two different branches from their mother's genes as their mothers are respected shinobi but one past away while Kala and Daichi Yuki are out with their teams on long missions leaving Haku as acting Yuki Clan head while Kala and Daichi are away, "Halt please state your business here!." Natsu said but then Mei walked past the group stopping in front of the two Yuki members "Oh Lady Mizukage, we didn't see you with them." Mizu said but Mei is a kind and hearted leader and showed a warm smile "It's quite alright, now would you please let them pass they are with us now." Mei said as she walked pasted them and headed straight to her office, Haku came up to his cousins "I need you both to help me with them." he asked but only to get a playful nope from both of his cousins.

Mizu took Naruto off Hanabi and Sakura's hands as he was strong enough to take Naruto to the hospital while Natsu picked up Ino in his arms bridle style making her blush and stunned but she wasn't resisting or complaining "Wow...What a handsome young man." she said within her thoughts as she wrapped her hands around his neck, Ino had a soft smile on her lips as she's being carried to Mei's Mizukage tower with Hanabi following Haru to the hospital feeling worried for Naruto while Haku had picked up Sakura in his arms bridle style as both travelled a long way to Kirigakure "Where does Hanabi get this energy from?." Sakura said but Haku just shrugged "At least Naruto will have company." he said as he and Natsu carried both girls to see Mei, once arrived Ino looked at Natsu "Could you put me down now please." she said then Natsu put her down then once she stood upright she now sees how tall he is then she pouted "Wow you're so tall!." she said as she looks up and down of him "Wouldn't say that tall I'm only five feet and one inch tall." he said as they heard "Come in." from Mei, Haku open the door as he, Natsu, Sakura, Ino, and Kurenai walked in and stood before Mei but Haku and Natsu walked over and stood at each side of Mei then they crossed their arms.

Mei looked over some of her papers and there was a mountain of them she then used her shadow clones and asked them politely to take care of the papers while she tended to some visitors, "Now then." Mei started "I believe you lot need a home, and some new head protectors." she said as she passed one each to Ino, Sakura, and Kurenai, the trio put on their heads but Ino strapped hers on her right arm then Mei turned to Haku "Haku, please go to the hospital and check on Naruto." Mei asked politely Haku nodded and went off to the hospital, Mei then looked up at Natsu "Natsu would you please take them to your Yuki branch compound." she said as Natsu nodded at her request "Not a problem Lady Mizukage." he said as he went over to the door waiting to look at the three "Don't fall behind now." he said then escorted the trio to his compound but on the way, Ino went up next to him and leaned forward with a smile on her face and her hands behind her back "So...How many Yuki clan branches are there?." she asked wanting to know Natsu a little better.

Sakura couldn't help but snicker knowing Ino was trying to get into Natsu's pants then Ino looked back pouting a little and mouthing at Sakura saying "Let me have this." Sakura is trying not to laugh but she will see how far she will go as they both look at Natsu while Kurenai is just enjoying the new surroundings around her, "Oh there's four branches and Haku is head clan." Natsu said as he extended his arm arm stopping Ino from walking then Natsu turned around to show a house that was big enough for a few people to live in Sakura and Ino were starstruck by the place and charged inside it accidentally knocking Natsu down to the ground "OW!..." he yelled then he slowly get back up then Kurenai offered her hand to Natsu to get up and he accepted it "Thank you Kurenai-sensei." he said as he gets off the ground and back on his feet.

Natsu was a little stunned by what happened then he looked up at Kurenai "Are those two always like this?." he asked, Kurenai smiled and nodded "But only what they like to see." she said as the two went inside to see them being very comfy laying out on the corner sofa, "Wow...You two know how to look at home." Natsu chuckled as he was behind the sofa that Ino was lying on then Sakura looked up at Natsu "It's so comfy, I don't wanna get up." she giggled then finished saying "Your home is wonderful, I don't think I could get enough of it." she said as she slowly sat up and hugged a cushion, "Well...How long you want to stay in my home is up to you all, but it is a temporary stay so either you want to stay longer or not is your choice Miss Haruno." he said earning a puzzling look from Ino and Sakura "Wait...How did you know her last name." Ino asked then Natsu spoke "Oh...Didn't you notice.?" Ino and Sakura shook their heads but Kurenai covered her mouth and sightly giggled making the two look at her then Ino looked at Natsu again "When Lady Mizukage passed you, your head protectors, she also slightly moved her hand across the plates putting your names on them." he finished speaking then both girls took her protectors off and look at the bottom middle "Oh wow...But why would she do that?." Sakura asked as she looked up at Natsu.

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