Chapter 14: Battle at Lava Fall Heights

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With the battle tense Natsu is on his bare feet to try and fight back but the heat from the lava down below the cliff as he's trying his best against Kiiro who has gone crazy after she got her leg hurt and can manage to fight while on one leg, while Jiraiya is struggling to hold his own against Aoi, Shiroi, and Midori as they seem to be too organized to try and hold off "Why fight and resist Natsu, just give up and we won't go for your friends." Kiiro said as she tried to throw Natsu off balance "Not on your life Kiiro, I will not submit to you or Sasori." he said as his words ticked her off even more "Tough shit Natsu, you'll be mine and mine alone." she said as she sliced at Natsu's right leg causing him to fall to one knee and Natsu looked at her with an angry expression, Jiraiya managed to get the upper hand again but Aoi threw her kunai chain at Jiraiya but the Shadow Clone deactivate and the kunai missed and hit the ground and is now super stuck, leaving Natsu with four living clones to deal with Natsu is running out of options as he's still dealing with Kiiro "Oh poor Natsu, all alone." Kiiro said with a smirk on her face and she licked the blade of her kunai but Aoi, Shiroi, and Midori gathered together and crossed their arms just now watching "You're on your own Kiiro." Midori said as Kiiro turned her head to look at them "You want Natsu, go ahead, just don't come to us if you lose." Shiroi said as Aoi just scuffed at Kiiro as she didn't like the way Kiiro had been behaving but Kiiro just smirked darkly at her sister "Love you too family." she said as she limped closer to Natsu while Natsu lunged at Kiiro trying to throw her off balance and try to get an opening but Kiiro saw this coming and summoned two Shadow Clones, "Let's play some more Natsu." she said smirking darkly as she and her two clones lunged for Natsu but Natsu used his Whirlwind Jutsu to make her clones to be blown away and hit the ground hard leaving Kiiro on her own the face Natsu once more "My my Natsu, I didn't know you're the one on one type for dates." she said as she threw a kunai at him only for Natsu to hit it away with his Fire Kunai and he was surprised to see Kiiro came up to his face at full speed with a hurt leg as his eyes widened and was frightened of what will happen next but Kiiro tackled Natsu to the ground sitting on him and have her hands around his neck.

Natsu struggles to get Kiiro off him but she tightens her grip on his neck "Shh, shh, just let it happen, you're no use to me dead just fall asleep." she said with a dark smirk on her lips as Natsu is trying to get her off him but he is slowly slipping unconsciousness but Natsu lunged his hands to Kiiro gripping her shirt and ripped it open to expose her torso as she quickly covered herself and blushing like mad even the other three were surprised at them as Kiiro fall off Natsu and on her butt to the ground blushing, gritting her teeth, and narrowing her eyes "You little pervert..." she started as Natsu sat up and catch some hair in his lungs, "At least wait until third date Natsu." Kiiro said as she was still blushing but smirking as she brought out a storage scroll opened it then pulled out another shirt and put it on "Ah!... Much better." she said as she looked at Natsu and was about to reach out for him but her hand got hit by a shuriken and it's stuck in her palm as she retracts her hand and held her wrist screaming in pain, Natsu, Aoi, Shiroi, and Midori looked where the shuriken came from and it was Jiraiya, Luna, Naruto, and Ayumi and it turned out that Ayumi was the one who threw the shuriken "Back away from my future Cousin-in-law." she said surprising the others as Ayumi and Luna got in front of Natsu and into a defensive position "Finally some entertainment instead of sister's lustful desire again." Shiroi said as she went for Naruto and they took their fight a bit far from the others while Aoi took her time and strategized the situation Midori smirked and rushed for Jiraiya, Aoi remained where she stood and retracted her kunai chain after she gave a good yank to make it pull from the ground and put it away and crossed her arms while Kiiro stood up and pulled the shuriken out of her hand then licked her blood from the shuriken "I'm sorry, but..." she started as she got off her butt and got into a primal-like stance "Natsu will be mine...." she said as she lunged herself at Ayumi and Luna as Natsu can't do anything but get his breath back and watch the fight.

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