Chapter 7: Spiritual Awaken Part 1: Ino's New Power

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After a couple of days of traveling from their campsite, the team finally reached the Land of This, and just as they reached the gates Natsu seemed to be a lot paler than before and his eyes were slowly changing from brown to red and the scorpion mark is spreading more inside his body even the group noticed his changes they aren't sure what's making him look like this, Natsu had his arm around Ino's shoulders as she supports him towards to the Land of This gates even Naruto and Taiyo are ready to take turns to support Natsu if Ino can't support him anymore but they are met by the princess Chiyo who saw them coming then she looks at the guard on her left "You get a medical team." she said as the guard looked at her and nodded "Yes Princess." the guard left for a medical team as Chiyo rushed over to help them as she got Natsu's other arm over her shoulders giving Ino a lending hand "I'm Chiyo, I'd say welcome but your party is a bit canceled right now." she said as she tries to lighten the mood and they all head passed the gates towards the hospital with Natsu.

An hour later the group made it to the hospital with Natsu and laid him on the bed but even though they kept an eye on Natsu he seemed to be getting weaker by the hour and Ino stayed by his side just in case there were any changes to Natsu, but late that evening Ino was hunched over having the upper half of her body sleeping on the bed holding Natsu's hand while the others were in their hotel room worried about Natsu's condition while trying to figure out who was the masked shinobi that attacked him, back at the hospital the masked shinobi appeared next to Natsu's bed with her arms crossed "Oh dear my sweet little Natsu all worn out." she said as she reached her arm out and caress his cheek "Pretty soon, you'll be mine and nothing will stop me." she said as she chuckled evilly then she placed on Natsu another shadow scorpion and once she placed it on his body it merged with Natsu and speeding up the process "That will speed things up." she said as she disappeared just before Ino started to wake up as she groan a little and rub her eye "Is someone there?." she asked as she looked around the room but couldn't see anyone then she looked at Natsu and he seems more worse that he was before "Natsu!." Ino said softly as she gently shook him awake, Natsu groaned a little as he slowly opened his eyes but his eyes had changed into a more slit-like appearance "OH MY GOSH!." Ino yelled as she rushed out of the room to get a doctor leaving Natsu for a minute Natsu sat up got off the medical bed and went to a window opened it he hoped on the edge but just as he did Ino came back with the doctor and both were shocked as they see the statue Natsu is in "Get away!." he said with his voice sounded less human then he jumped down from the window and started running away.

Ino rushed to the window "NATSU!." she yelled then she summoned a shadow clone "Hurry, get yourself to the hotel and tell everyone what's happening." she commanded as her clone nodded it rushed off to leave the hospital and headed to the hotel while Ino crazily jump out of the window then used a tree to land on and quickly bounce off it and landed on the ground then she gives chased "Natsu come back!." Ino said trying to make Natsu stop running, Ino tried her best to keep up with Natsu but she had no choice but to throw a kunai at him to make him stop running the kunai hit the tree just in front of Natsu and make him halt in his tracks as he sharply turns and growls like a lion "I told you to stay away." he said as he hunched over and his fingers spread like if he's got claws but Ino looked very scared as she slowly walks back from him but she bumps herself into a tree as she looked back then look at Natsu once more, "Stop Natsu this isn't you, remember who you are!." she said trying to make Natsu remember who he is but he continues to come closer until someone yelled "STOP!." then Ino and Natsu looked where the voice came from and it was the masked shinobi as she jumped off the tree she was on and walked over to them both but stopped about forty feet away "I'm sorry Miss Blonde, but Natsu is mine now." she said with a cock voice then she snapped her fingers and Natsu walked over to her then around her to stand behind her, "What have you done to my Natsu..." Ino said as tears streamed down her face seeing the boy she loves had been forced into a monster "Oh just changing him like me." she said as she took off her mask showing her skin looked super pale her brows looked reptilian, she had back-length curled black hair "Who are you?." Ino asked who is trying to be brave but she's too scared "Well...Since you're about to die, my name is Sasori Busujima." she started then she continued "Last of the Busujima clan and we specialized in poison jutsu and monstrous experiments." she said as she raised her hand and placed it on Natsu's head petting him.

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