Chapter 13: Divine Shirasagi Aegis Part 2: Sasori's Clones Strike

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Three days later, after recovering from surgery and learning that Natsu can access the Mind's Eye Oracle, Jiraiya continues to train his new students he teaches them how to control their chakra more and teaches Natsu and Luna how to do a summoning jutsu, Aiko was giving the team four days to stay since she thinks Jiraiya is behaving himself... hardly likely as they just finished up their training for today "Alright time, I'd say you've earned a break." Jiraiya said as he and the others headed back to the village and heading back to the Yamanaka household, Luna came up behind Natsu and hugged him tightly stopping him as he looked over his right shoulder to look at her "What's wrong Luna?." Natsu asked as Naruto stopped also being a bit curious "I want to ask you something Natsu!." she started as she looked up at Natsu and showed a smiling face as Natsu listened carefully to her words "Um... I want your Mother to adopt me when we are done with our training trip." she said as she placed the left side of her head to Natsu's back waiting for an answer Naruto smiled then he turned around and catching up with Jiraiya "Is that what you want Luna?." he started as Luna softly nodded her head as she's trying not to clinch up "Yeah, I'll welcome you to my family Luna." he said as Luna smiled and hugged Natsu tightly "Thank you Big Brother." she said as she nuzzled his back making Natsu giggled, "Stop that, I'm ticklish there." he said as Luna let go and held Natsu's hand as they two hurried along and catching up with Jiraiya and Naruto while several shadowy figures were watching them from the trees as the being quite as possible and following the team back to the village and hoping their plan would go through smoothly as they want it to be.

It is now evening and the group had just finally returned to the village and were greeted better than on their first visit then they went to the Yamanaka household as Kaede was waiting outside of her home for them holding in her left hand a small scroll that she's planning to give it to Natsu, the group stopped and were puzzled "What's going on Kaede?." Jiraiya asked as he was more puzzled than the others "We should go inside since Natsu is the third person to have the Mind's Eye Oracle, he should know the sixth ability before you send it to Kirigakure." she explained as Jiraiya nodded and the others went inside as today was their last time to be in Honoagakure, once the group gathered around in the living room it was only Kaede in the house while her family were out for now and won't be back until dinner but as soon Natsu sat down Kaede put the stroll on his lap then she went over to an armchair and sat down "Now, I don't know if it will open for you Natsu, but please give it a try, it can only be open to the Mind's Eye Oracle." she explained as Natsu nodded at her then he picked up the scroll active his eyes but the scroll was struggling to open up as it has chakra to recognize the Mind's Eye Oracle and a Yamanaka member as the others were worried that it won't open up but just as Jiraiya was about to place his hand on Natsu's shoulder but the scroll finally opened up as the chakra that was keeping it closed sensed Natsu's caring heart and determination then upon looking at the golden page the Oracle showed information about the Divine Shirasagi Aegis (Divine White Heron Guardian), when an Yamanaka activates the Divine Shirasagi Aegis, she channels the ancient power of the Mind's Eye Oracle to manifest a towering ethereal figure that resembles a Japanese Shrine Maiden, clad in traditional ceremonial attire adorned with intricate spiritual markings, the Divine Shirasagi Aegis wields a majestic katana imbued with divine energy its most striking feature is a pair of radiant angel wings that shimmer with otherworldly grace and protection, as an Yamanaka merges her consciousness with this awe-inspiring entity, she gains access to heightened intuition, precognition, and mystical energy manipulation. The Divine Shirasagi Aegis serves as a formidable guardian, capable of shielding Yamanaka from malevolent forces, guiding her toward truth, and empowering her combat prowess with the elegance of a sacred warrior.

Natsu closed the scroll and then looked at Kaede "I think I have an idea how it works, but I think it will take some time to learn its power." he said as everyone looked at Natsu and Kaede smiled a little "Well, I just hope Ino would learn that she needs to train for this form too." she said as she got up went over to Natsu picked up the scroll and put it into a storage scroll that also has some other items inside of it too, she then went over to the window and called for a messenger bird mostly likely a hawk as she strapped the small storage scroll on it's back then Kaede instructed the hawk to head for Natsu's home compound in Kirigakure as it flew away heading towards to the Mist Village then Kaede turned around and crossed her arms "Now, let's make you lot your last meal here before you have to leave tomorrow." she said as the group nodded in agreement, an hour later with the food all set and the dining table all set up Kaede's family had returned from their outing and just in time for their last gathering dinner with Jiraiya's team, it is now late in the morning around after one as everyone in the household were sleeping and since they've stayed Jiraiya got the couch, Naruto, Natsu, and Luna all shared a room together but Luna even Natsu has his new eyes still wants to protect Natsu and she sleeps in the same bed as him which annoyed Natsu at first but over time he does see that she is only doing what she thought was right and he just let her sleep with him but Natsu was startled from the sound of a bird calling as it was too early for the birds to start chirping as he looked around the room and saw Naruto sleeping snoring like a pig then he looked down at his right shoulder seeing Luna sleeping soundly with a smile on her face, Natsu got up and gently made sure he didn't wake Luna then he looked around the bedroom and found nothing odd then he left the bedroom to see if someone is in the house somewhere hoping that someone hasn't broken in and trying to kill any of his friends as he went down the hallway heading for the living room to double check that Jiraiya is not sleeping walking or sleep perverting but once Natsu got there he only saw his sensei sleeping soundly but then Natsu heard the strange bird calling once more and it was coming from the backyard of the house.

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