Chapter 6: Team 6's First Mission

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The Next day just near noon Team 6 selected members Kurenai, Naruto, Ino, Natsu, and Taiyo were sent to see Mei about their first mission together as the team was just outside of Mei's door they could hear chatting "Sounds like Mom is talking to Haku...I think...!" Naruto said then Natsu knocked on the door waiting for an answer, the team heard "Come in please." Ino opened the door and the group entered the room seeing that Mei was talking to Haku "You wish to see us Mom...Er...I mean Lady Mizukage." Naruto said as a sweat drop appeared at the back of his head "Now Naruto, I told you last night if it's just us here, just call me Mom okay." she said with a sweet voice Naruto nodded then Mei cleared her throat "Now then, since you're all here let's start with you first Kurenai." Mei said as everyone listened carefully "Haku has agreed to let you be Team 6 leader, turns out Haku was having second thoughts about being Team leader but, he has agreed to be the team's second sensei." she said as Kurenai nodded and Haku smiled.

Haku looked at Mei and spoke up "I shall take my leave, Lady Mizukage, I'll take my shift at the hospital right away." Haku said as he bowed then he took his leave from the office and headed for the hospital to start his work as a Medical Ninja, "Anyway, you wanted to see us Lady Mizukage." Taiyo asked as he had his arms crossed for a while then Mei cleared her throat and looked at Team 6 "Yes, you lot will be going on a trip to the Land of This, it's a small country settling between Land of Fire and Land of Rivers." she started but then Naruto had his hand up "Mom, why isn't Sakura with us?." he asked then Mei spoke up "She has a job at a cafe she liked, she was here an hour ago talking about it, so I let her get a job and any job someone wants has to go through me and as long the owner of the job is alright with it first. she said and explained why Sakura isn't with her team, "Now then, your mission is to go to the Land of This and take part for a Marriage Alliance with Princess Chiyo." she started as she sees everyone is listening but also curious "The Princess is aware of you coming and she will be meeting her future husband and if things go well then the alliance will happen, the Daimyo wanted an alliance with Kirigakure for a while and now I am willing to make this alliance happen." she said as the team takes in what just been told by Mei, "Who is the lucky guy Lady Mizukage?." Ino asked as she was more worried that it was not her precious Natsu "Oh yes, I completely forgot." she started then turned her head towards Taiyo who looked puzzled he looked behind himself then looked back but then it clicked in his head as he tries to get away but two Shadow Clones of Mei stopped Taiyo in his tracks and made him turn around "So...Taiyo, you must be lucky to be chosen to be part of this." Mei chuckled and saw Taiyo trying to break away from her clones "Why me?." he asked as he finally stopped struggling while the others were laughing.

"Other than my 'son' Taiyo, you and Naruto are the two strongest we have, and I know Naruto has his heart set out somewhere else...So you're the main choice." she said as Taiyo just sighed in defeat and the two Mei clones deactivated letting Taiyo go and he just crossed his arms again "Okay...Not wanting another clone attack on me, what's this Princess's name?." he asked as the others wait for Mei to answer too "Her name is Chiyo, she is the only Princess of the Land of This and no, you can't see a picture of her Taiyo." she said only for Taiyo to look annoyed "Awe...C'mon why not? am I not allowed to see what she looks like?." he said as he his hunched over and has an annoyed expression on his face, "Well, what if you back out of this Taiyo? you will get a chance to see what she looks like when you and your team arrive." she started then she looked at the others "That will be all, you leave within two hours since we all lived in different parts of this village and the journey will take about...Maybe two weeks." she said as the others looked dumbfounded and unable to talk all except Kurenai who had a smile on her face "Sounds like a great way to get some exercise back into your legs." Kurenai started as the team all looked at her and waited for her to finish "Plus a week there, and a week back will be good for everyone." she said as everyone just felt their spirits leaving their bodies, Mei dismissed everyone and they all groan and grumble as they left but Mei and Kurenai laughed "Oh...Kids." they both said in unison then Kurenai bowed to Mei then left the office getting ready for the long two-week journey ahead.

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