Chapter 15: Midori's Choice

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It had only been two hours and Jiraiya was still out doing 'shopping' while the group sat around the table eating breakfast since they only had a couple of hours of sleep after their morning battle, but the group was hoping that nothing else bad would happen today after so much has happened since Jiraiya's group arrival in Honoagakure, "I wonder what's taking Jiraiya so long?." Gin asked as she was a little curious about what was happening while Luna just shrugged "Probably looking through the girl's bathhouses again." Ayumi said as both Gin and Luna looked at Ayumi and then at each other being a bit confused then they turned to Kaede who sighed "Wouldn't be the first time too." she said as she went back to her breakfast while Naruto and Natsu were outside training "Ugh... Naruto and Big Brother need to settle for once..." Gin said as she crossed her arms and pouted "Yeah, I agree." Luna said as she copied Gin then the Yamanaka family burst out laughing at them for being too overprotective and being too much alike even though they are clones, "Why not take Natsu out for today, maybe that will stop those two knuckleheads from training." Takeo said as both clones looked at each other and smirked at each other then they got off their chairs and headed out to the back garden where Naruto and Natsu were still training together until both Gin and Luna to grab an arm each of Natsu causing both Naruto and Natsu to be puzzled and confused as they both looked at the girls "This is what's happening you two." Gin started then Luna spoke up "Natsu, we're going out as a family, we want you both to take a break from training, you've both been at it for two hours." Luna said as she pouted at Natsu who didn't want to argue with his new siblings then he looked at Naruto, "Guess it's break time, heh!." he said as Naruto  chuckled "Yeah, I agree there, we should take a break and enjoy ourselves before we're going on our training journey." Naruto said as he went back into the house leaving the new siblings in the back garden.

"Okay, you two, where do you want to go?." he asked looking down at his new sisters "Just take us anywhere Natsu, we just want to spend time with you." Gin said as her tone was a bit demanding Natsu could tell from her slightly angry face that she looked ready to make a scene "Okay we'll take a walk around the village and see what we can do." he said as he smiled at them both then Gin and Luna dragged Natsu with them to leave the household, while the others continue to laugh seeing the way Natsu is being dragged out "Remember to come back for dinner you three!." Kaede said as the trio yelled "RIGHT!." with smiles on their faces and went around the village to see what would be good for them to do as a family but among the shadows Midori was watching them waiting and bidden her time to strike them and making sure they don't sense her chakra, Midori just looked at them with bloodshot in her eyes and gritting her teeth that she wants revenge on them but she has to wait until she can get them alone "I'll get you three, just you wait." she said and smirkingly darkly as she follows them through the crowd and using the shadows as cover as the day goes by it was just the afternoon and the trio just had some ramen meals "I swear Natsu, you're gonna get us unhealthy." Luna said as she wanted to try something new but they didn't have enough money for a restaurant so a ramen bar had to do them for lunch "Hey don't blame me, sis, you both dragged me out of the house before I could get my wallet." Natsu said as Luna pouted while Gin was giggling at them "Jeez... You're both acting like a married couple rather than brother and sister." she said as both looked at her with silly annoying expressions and Gin just looked at them and blinked a few times and just laugh at them for their silly annoyed expressions.

Once they've had their lunch all three of them had to chip in together just to pay for it then they left the ramen bar and wondered where to go next, Gin noticed some railings at the top of Honokage Mount then she smiled and looked at her brother and sister "Hey what about up there?." she said as she pointed to the railing then both Natsu and Luna follow where Gin was pointing and they both also smiled and looked at her once more "That's a great idea, we'll see how pretty the village is." Luna said as she and Gin grabbed a hand each from their brother and hurried to the mount as they wanted to spend one more time before they began their three-year journey with Jiraiya, with the trio just left the ramen bar only a couple of minutes ago they came to a halt and heard someone yelling as they looked behind them and saw Jiraiya running for his life "Oh for Kami sake!..." Gin and Luna said in unison as they both looked mad and had their fists on their hips while Natsu crossed his arms and shook his head slowly with an annoyed expression as Jiraiya just bolted past his students and they followed their eyes where he was running to then Gin and Luna looked to see who's chasing him and they were horrified to see a bunch of women wrapped in towels and running after Jiraiya as they were yelling at Jiraiya and have weapons in their hands Natsu was about to turn around to see what's going on until both his sisters' covered his eyes "Don't look Natsu!." Gin said as she and Luna felt the need to protect their brother's young eyes "Yeah, this is something you shouldn't see." Luna said as Natsu was still taken aback by this and felt that he'd listened to his sisters and didn't look after a couple of minutes "Is it safe yet?." he asked as Gin and Luna removed their hands from his eyes "Yeah, it's safe Big Brother." Gin said as Luna was looking where they were running too "Our sensei or not I hope that old pervert gets what he deserves." Luna said as she crossed her arms then 'Hmph' at Jiraiya's behaviour "I just hope he doesn't get us banned too!..." Natsu said as he was enjoying his stay here in Honoagakure despite everything that happened.

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