Chapter 12: Divine Shirasagi Aegis Part 1: Natsu's Surgery

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It had been two days since Natsu had lost his eyes but the group had gained a new ally as they continued to their last stretch of the journey Luna had been holding Natsu's hand the whole time to keep him safe and guiding him to Honoagakure, Jiraiya feels bad for letting one of his new students to be injured this badly and he hopes there's a way to have his sight back while Naruto is pissed that Sasori made clones to try and hurt or take Natsu but Naruto isn't too sure about Luna just yet she maybe being kind and nursing Natsu but he doesn't fully trust her just yet, as they were walking up a hill Naruto helped Luna to get Natsu up the hill but they stopped when Jiraiya stopped just in front of them "Sensei... What's wrong? Why did you stop?." Luna asked as Naruto kept his guard up but Jiraiya turned around "We're here now." he said as he pointed at the end of the hill and standing were gates being made and attached to the walls that were holding them, Naruto and Luna bring Natsu and stood next to Jiraiya and saw the gates for themselves "Wow!, those are beautiful." Luna said then she looked at Natsu and her smile faded that for a second she forgot about she squeezed his hand and started walking him to the gates Jiraiya was a little puzzled while Naruto was too starstruck to even notice what was going on right now as Luna and Natsu got up to the gates Luna let go of Natsu's hand then gently grip both his wrists and put his hands on one of the gate's pillars while the two guards were watching and they were going to do something but they noticed Natsu's bandages around his eyes, then one of the guards looked away as Jiraiya approach them while the other guard keeps his eyes on the other two.

"Halt Jiraiya, you're still banned from Honoagakure." the female guard said as Jiraiya came up to them "Easy now, I'm here on business." he said wanting to reassure them that he meant no farm but the female guard just laughed "Last time you said that, you got caught looking in the woman's bathhouses," she said reminding Jiraiya why he was banned in the first place, "Well... Okay okay, I learned my lesson after that." he started then spoke once more when Luna came back with Natsu after feeling up the pillar "But we do need to see your Honokage, It's very urgent," he said as the two guards looked at each other for a few seconds then the women guard looked at Natsu but she sighs and looked at Jiraiya "Alright, an ANBU will escort you to see Lady Honogake, but I'll be taking your student to the hospital." the female guard but before she could reach out and grab Natsu's wrist Luna spoke up, "Natsu isn't not going anywhere without me." she said as she squeezed Natsu's hand and stepping in front of him which made the female guard to be startled a little but she collected herself then looked at Jiraiya "Hey don't look at me, she made herself in charge of his safety," Jiraiya said as an ANBU appeared with a Phoenix mask as he look at Jiraiya and Naruto "You two come with me," he said in a grudge low voice as Jiraiya and Naruto followed him while Luna and Natsu followed the female guard, after about half an hour of walking Luna was gasping in awe with the village the buildings are based on sixth century Chinese Jing style architecture while the inside of the buildings and depends on the layout are based on Japanese Minka as the trio were getting close to the hospital Luna spoke up "Um... Excuse me, Miss." she said as the guard slowed down a bit matching their speed in walking then she looked down at them "Yes?," she asked as she waits for an answer from Luna.

"May we know your name?." Luna asked politely the twenty-two-year-old woman looked away for a few seconds and was a bit hesitant at first but she sighed softly and looked at them once more "My name is Ayumi Yamanaka." she said but Luna and Natsu suddenly halted and Luna looked up at her "Wait... Yamanaka..." she started as Ayumi stopped just a few inches away from them and turned around as she raise a brow at them, "Your clan is the reason we're here." Natsu said as he didn't want to move much and leaned against Luna to be sure she was there she blushed a little and looked back at Natsu holding him close "Easy Natsu." Luna said as her voice filled with concern "Alright, you two better give me a good story." Ayumi said as she took Natsu off Luna's hand and picked up Natsu in her arms the trio went into the hospital together to get Natsu settled in as Ayumi was too interested in the way those four were looking for her clan, meanwhile at the Honokage Mansion and in the Honokage office "WHAT IS THIS GIGANTIC BATHHOUSE PERVERT DOING HERE!." Aiko yelled as she didn't forgive Jiraiya for using her body as one of his book covers without permission and spying on women in three different bathhouses at once "Now now, calm down, please... We're here on business I promise Aiko." he said but Aiko spoke up once more "It's Lady Honokage to you Jiraiya." she said as Naruto has his back against the wall next to the office door as he gulped his throat and had sweating bullets down his head, "Wow... this old hag is twice as scary than Granny Tsunade." Naruto muttered but it wasn't unheard as Jiraiya was sweating bullets while Aiko had her arms crossed and her left brow raised "What was that mister?." she said as she turned her body and looked at him.

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