Chapter 10: Mizuchi The Water Serpent

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Two days since the wedding and the group is now standing at the Land of This village gates, Land of This Daimyo was seeing everyone off but is a bit hurt to see his daughter leaving her own country but he understands her choice and only wants to have his daughter happy "Taiyo, please take good care of my daughter." he asked as Taiyo nodded "I will look after her..." Taiyo started "But... Who's going to take care of me when she gets mad..." he said as he hunched over and his hands were gripping Chiyo's legs as she was on his back giggling at his words, "Don't get me mad, then I won't try to kill you." she giggled as Taiyo straighten up again and chuckle "I know, I was only kidding Chiyo." he started then he turned his face to look at Chiyo who has her chin on his shoulder "I would never hurt you." he said then he kidded Chiyo's cheek suddenly everyone looked up after hearing a falcon cry and it landed on Jiraiya's right forearm, "Well... That didn't take long at all." he said as he takes the small message from the falcon's small pouch of its left leg then Jiraiya offered it some food and it flew off afterwords and this caught everyone's attention as they wait to hear what Jiraiya is going to say "Ah HA!, so that's where they are." Jiraiya started then he frowned a little "I hope that village doesn't remember me after all this time." he said then Ino spoke up "So... What village is my Aunt's family in?." she asked as she and everyone else were dying to know.

"They're in Honoagakure - Hidden Village of Flames," he said as the team except for the Land of This Daimyo and Kurenai didn't know about this village as Natsu raised his hand "Jiraiya-sensei, what is this village?." Natsu started and asked as he looked a bit puzzled while Ino was hugging his left arm "I don't think any of us here have heard of it before." he finished and said as the team waited for Jiraiya to respond and gave them answers about this village, "Well... It's going to be a long time to tell you everything about it, but... Natsu, Naruto, we need to go if we need to find answers for Ino but also your training." he said as Natsu and Naruto nodded then Natsu turned to Ino and Ino turned to Natsu as the two kissed then went their separate ways, they don't say goodbye to each other because they know they will see each other once Natsu comes back then Naruto went up Kurenai "Kurenai-sensei, could you do me a small favor." he asked a Kurenai looked down at Naruto "Sure Naruto, name it." she said as she waits what Naruto wanted of her as Naruto took off the necklace that Tsunade gave him and put it in Kurenai's hand "Please give this to Hanabi." he said as Kurenai smiled and nodded, "Alright, if that's everything you two, we'll get going now." Jiraiya said as Natsu and Naruto nodded and followed Jiraiya past the gates and started on their journey to Honoagakure while the rest of Team 6 headed back to Kirigakure to complete the mission as they went down a different path to head back to the village while Jiraiya, Natsu, and Naruto waved at them and Team 6 waved back.

A day later, Jiraiya, Natsu, and Naruto are in the middle of training while Jiraiya instructs them from a small bolder teasing them how to control their chakra better but also teaching them the Rasengan, but Naruto and Natsu are tired out from their training and plank themselves to the ground panting and breathing for air "Jiraiya-sensei, can we take five..." Naruto said as Jiraiya was hoping they would try and beat their limits but he did remember they are only thirteen years old "Sure, we'll take a break but after that, we're back at it alright" he said as his new students nodded as they try to get their breaths back, Jiraiya got up from the bolder and walked over to his students giving them each a bottle of water then Jiraiya sat on the ground with them "Well, I'd say you're both getting there." he started as he looked at them both "But it is a long way to go, and I will take you both on a long journey to do as much training until I have nothing to teach you both." he said as both Naruto and Natsu nodded "Whatever it takes sensei, I'm willing to be on par with Naruto." Natsu said as Jiraiya smirked, "Good to hear, but..." he started then he leaned forward a bit "Are you also just want to impress Ino and show how much you've grown." Jiraiya said as he knows how to mess with someone with good intentions as Jiraiya laughed just saying Natsu blushed and pouted even Naruto chuckled a little bit "Don't feel like that, I'm also doing this to control the fox, but also I want to impress Hanabi." Naruto said as he was sharing his thoughts with Natsu to make Natsu feel better then Natsu spoke up "Sensei, could you tell more about Honoagakure before we arrive at this place?." Natsu asked as this caught Naruto's attention too as he looked from Natsu to Jiraiya "Sure, I don't see the harm in it, plus I'm a bit popular in this village." he said as both Natsu and Naruto find that hard to believe.

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