Chapter 4: A New Team Has Formed

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Three weeks later, the group has been enjoying their new lives in Kirigakure with Naruto enjoying his new life having a mother and Hanabi living with them not wanting to be away from Naruto, meanwhile, Kurenai in Natsu's and Aki's home and they welcomed their new family members having Kurenai as their new mother and Ado accepted happily as their new sister, they picked to be part of Kurenai's Yuhi Clan, while they had been together for three weeks Kurenai had made some process of helping Ado from her trauma by teaching her new love of a family and Kurenai and sometimes Natsu would train Ado to use one arm for future battles and Kurenai is hoping to get Ado back out on the field despite she does love her adoptive daughter around the house and helping, Sakura has started living with Haku as they started dating but they sleep in different rooms and only spend time together having similar interests and had long conversations about different topics that they wish to talk about.

One day Mei summoned the group to talk about something important as she waited patiently for the others to arrive until she heard the door knock "Come in." she said as the door opened up and the group came into the office, all expect for Aki and Hanabi who are at the academy, then the group stood in front of Mei's desk "Something you like to discuss with us Lady Mizukage." Kurenai said as she and the others waited to hear what she summoned them for, "Well firstly, welcome everyone, and secondly, Kurenai I am assigning you to be a teacher at the academy." she said with a small smile on Kurenai's face "Very well, I accept the offer Lady Mizukage." she said as she stayed to hear what the others are getting assigned too "Now Natsu, Mizu, you both are already Chunin with Haku, so I am giving you both teams to look after and you will come to me for missions." she said as they both nodded with a smirk on Mizu's face "Finally, I'll get some action...I was getting bored guarding that gate." Mizu said as he crossed his arms and waited like everyone else to hear what else Mei had to say to them, "Now Mizu, you'll be in taking part in Team 4 and they are aware that you are joining the team." she said then she looked at Haku "Haku, your team is Team 6, and it will be Natsu, Naruto, Sakura, Ino, and Ado." she stated then Haku nodded and seeing the faces on them but he noticed Ado looked sad then she spoke up "Please remove me, I don't want to be part of a team again..." she said as memories of her former team still haunt her "Ado please..."Mei was about to speak but was cut off by Ado "NO!, I don't want to be part of a team." she said then she ran out of the office and out of the building and headed back to her new home not wanting to be part of anything, looking worried for her adoptive daughter Kurenai was about to leave but looked at Mei first "Please forgive her, she is still being haunted by her former team, it's still a long process to get her pass it." she said then she continued "If anything I would like to be assigned to a team, when I ask for it Ado will be with me." she said then she walked off to head home and to comfort Ado.

Taken aback by the sudden Ado's little outburst Mei will see Ado later about it but she has other matters to attend to "Well, since Ado doesn't want to be in a team then I have one student who will be happy to take part with your team Haku." Mei said as Haru had already left sometime before Ado went to see his team while the others stayed to see about who their new member would be, suddenly an ANBU appeared wearing a Bear mask "Pardon the intrusion Lady Mizukage." he started speaking then he continued "I have a message from Taiyo, he said he will meet his new team at training ground 7." he said as Mei nodded at Bear "Very well and thank you for the message, you may go now Bear." she said as Bear nodded then Shunshine away leaving the group puzzled expect Natsu and Haku "He's going to be joining our team? is he even ready yet?." Haku said as even Natsu is wondering if Taiyo is ready to even be part of the team or part of Kirigakure village, "Yes, I believe he is ready, he has gone through a lot after he escaped from Otogakure." she said surprised both Naruto and Sakura "Wait what..." Naruto said but Sakura spoke up next "Someone escaped from that monster's village?." she said as both new Chunin shinobi were puzzled and shocked at the sudden news about this new shinobi.

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