Chapter 5: Enter Taiyo

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With the team and Taiyo met face to face they all gave off warm smiles to each other "Hi, I'm Taiyo, please to meet you all." he said then Naruto spoke up for Sakura and Ino "I'm Naruto Uzumaki, and this is Sakura Haruno and Ino Yamanaka." he said as the girls bow in respect then Taiyo bow in return then he straightens back up "So, what is today's mission? or is this the part we all know our hobbies and dreams?" he said as he looked at Haku since he's team leader, "We're going to be knowing each other Taiyo, we don't have a mission yet." Haku said as Taiyo playfully pouted making the girls giggle at him then Haku cleared his throat "Now then, who would like to start us off." he asked wondering who would start the introduction.

"Sure I'll go first," Sakura said as Haku nodded and others waited for her to start "My name is Sakura Haruno, I used to be a shinobi from Konoha. My likes are I like a certain someone." she paused for a moment, and slightly looked at Haku then winked at him making Haku blush then she continues "My other likes are making new friends in Kirigakure and enjoying my time at the Rising Sun Cafe. My dislikes are Konoha and a bad illness I used to have on someone...Who shall not be named anymore," she said pouting a little then crossed her arms, but then she continues once more to finish the introduction, Sakura then clears her throat and continues "My dreams are to be the best Medical and Strongest Ninja, My hobbies...Hmm...My hobbies are to spend time with loved ones." she finished with a cute smile on her face then she turned to Ino to get her to have a turn next, with a bright smile Ino took her turn "My name is Ino Yamanaka, I also used to be a shinobi from Konoha. My likes are also for a certain someone." she paused for a moment then slightly looked at Natsu and give him a blow kiss making him blush more brighter than the sun, then she continued "My other likes are spending time with old friends and new friends in Kirigakure. My dislikes are Konoha, anyone who hurts my friends and bullies," she said while she try not to get mad thinking about the hurtful things that has happened but she compose herself and continues "My dreams are to open up my own flower shop, and settle down with a certain someone." she paused once more and playfully teased Natsu with a wink "Just...Continue Ino." Natsu said as he tried not to get too flustered but he really couldn't do anything since it was Ino that's doing it, "My hobbies are making new friends, and tending to the flowers at Natsu's home." she said and finished with a smile but she looked at Natsu and showed a flirtatious smirk then winked at him making him blush "Please stop that..." he asked only to make the group around him to giggle and chuckle "Only when you stop reacting to it." Ino said and giggled.

Next up is Naruto "My name was Naruto Uzumaki, now it's Naruto Terumi. My likes are training, and ramen, my other likes are spending time with new family and friends, my dislikes are mostly Konoha and anyone who hurts my loved ones." he said as Taiyo, Haku, and Natsu listened carefully as soon it will be either Natsu or Taiyo's turn, "My new dreams is to be Kirigakure's best shinobi and to settle down with someone new who has stolen my heart." this has Sakura and Ino's attention as they both smirked and planned to find out who has stolen his heart "My hobbies are training and eating ramen." he said finishing his introduction then he looked at Natsu and Taiyo waiting to see who would go first, "I'll just get myself out of the way." Taiyo started then he continued to introduce himself "My name is Taiyo, my likes are training, being part of Kirigakure, and spending time with my new family, my dislikes are betrayals and liars. My dream is to find out who I am and find out if I have any family. My only hobby is training." he said as he crossed his arms and waited for Natsu to start his introduction, finally Natsu got to say his introduction "My name was Natsu Yuki and now it's Natsu Yuhi, my likes are training, my clan, and a certain someone." he blushed and stole a glance at Ino who noticed and blushed also "I knew it." she said and giggled then Natsu continued and cleared his throat "My dislikes are bullies, liars, and unfaithful companions.", "My dream is to become a great shinobi...And...Um...To settle down with a certain someone." he blushed once more earning a giggle and mostly chuckles while Ino came up to Natsu then kissed his cheek "That's sweet Natsu, I knew you'd like me." she said and winked at Natsu making his cheeks blushed like never before then he cleared his throat once more to finish his introduction, "My hobbies are reading, training, and spending time with a certain someone." he finally finished then Natsu and Ino held each other's hands making them an official couple "Oh the wonderful teasing I got planned for you two." Sakura said then she smirked then crossed her arms.

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