Chapter 9: Day of the Wedding

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Two days later and with the wedding just a day away, Taiyo is currently on a date with Chiyo as they both are spending time together in a restaurant getting to know each other better over the five days after that ordeal with Sasori and the girls planning the wedding, Kurenai meanwhile is currently training her students keeping their focus and preparing them for the next time that they would face Sasori once more but it has been quiet for a while and they hope that Sasori wouldn't come back after licking her wounds from their battle, "Alright kids break time." Kurenai said she was pleased with her team's process in their training even Ino's training as she wants to try and master her new power currently, she's sitting under a waterfall her eyes closed as she's also breathing slowly letting herself be connected to the spirits and the nature around her while everyone had stopped training Natsu sat on the ground across from Ino as Ino is sitting on a flat bolder, Natsu sat and watch her in amazement of what she has achieved and he softly smiled at Ino while Ino could hear Natsu's heartbeat she too softly smiled knowing she has a bit of company and that her mind is more at ease.

Kurenai came up next to Natsu "Are you happy or are you jealous of your future wife, son." Kurenai said as Natsu blushed and turned his head to his left then looked up at her "MOM!... That is so embarrassing." Natsu said as he crossed his arms and pouted making Kurenai giggle at him "Oh you know I mean well, son." she started as she looked from Natsu to Ino, "Still, I am proud of you all equally." Kurenai said as she walked around the lake they were at to head for Ino then Natsu got up and followed her "But... I am happy Mom, I'm happy about Ino's achievement and I'm happy to have her in my life." he started as a small smile appear on his lips "I'm also happy to have you in my life too." Natsu said as his words made Kurenai's heart skip a beat and she smiled, Kurenai turned around and hugged her son "Thank you for having me Natsu." she said as Natsu was a bit surprised by the hug but he hugged her back they held hands together and went to go see Ino and her progress then Naruto got up and catch up to the other two "Hey sensei, do you sense something?." Naruto said as both Kurenai and Natsu stopped and looked around "Now you mentioned it, I do sense something." Kurenai started as she looked around and had a feeling she felt this presence before then she looked at her son "Natsu go to Ino, Naruto and I can handle this." she said as Natsu nodded and then ran off to be at Ino's side, Kurenai and Naruto turned to where they sense the person "It's not Sasori again is it?." Naruto asked as Kurenai shook her head "No, I don't think she would want to be spotted this easily." Kurenai said and explained just as the two walked towards a tree Jiraiya jumped down from it with his annoying cock smirk and his fists on his hips "Well, it's been a while." Jiraiya started as he walked up to both of them then Jiraiya stopped just inches away.

"What do you want, pervy sage?." Naruto said as he didn't seem happy that Jiraiya had found him "I just want to talk Naruto, my offer still stands for training." Jiraiya said as he wanted to make amends with Naruto, Naruto didn't say anything and just stared at Jiraiya "How did you find us anyway?." Naruto said as he wasn't sure to take up Jiraiya's offer "I promise you Naruto, I'm only here to talk and I do have a spy network remember." Jiraiya said as he came a bit closer to the two then he noticed Ino under a waterfall and looked a bit puzzled then he turned to Kurenai "Is this a new training method you're doing Kurenai?." he asked and being curious but Kurenai shook her head "It's Ino's new method, she unlocked a clan heritage that was in dormant." Kurenai said then she began explaining to Jiraiya their mission and what caused it to be awakened but everything that Jiraiya had been told was shocked, "She's awakened the Mind's Eye Oracle...." Jiraiya started, completely speechless about it "But no one in her clan had awakened that form since the first great ninja war..." Jiraiya said as he was hunched over and his arms dangling leaving Kurenai and Naruto also speechless of this information, "You saw someone in Ino's clan use this form before?." Kurenai asked while Naruto was so speechless that he rushed off to get Natsu and Ino so they could learn this "Saw it?... I saw the only user of that form during both wars..." Jiraiya started as he looked to see that Naruto was coming back with Natsu and Ino, Ino was wearing Natsu's shirt as she needed the towel for her hair then the trio stopped next to Kurenai "So... What's this about someone else using the Mind's Eye Oracle, Jiraiya-sensei?." Ino asked as she clung to Natsu's arm and rested her head on his shoulder.

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