Chapter 8: Spiritual Awaken Part 2: Mind's Eye Oracle

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Ino looked at herself her hands, her legs, her body "Oh my Kami..." she was startled then she spoke once more as her new power was flickering like a lightbulb that was about to burst "I...I... I've awakened the Mind's Eye Oracle..." she said being all proud of this discovery and she could feel her Chakra had been enchanted leaving a smile on her face then she looked at Sasori and Ino dashed as great speed surprising Sasori, her clones, and Taiyo, Ino appears behind Sasori just several feet away with Natsu in her arms as Sasori looked down on the ground seeing Natsu not there then she looked around and finally looked behind her with her eyes wide open and has the look of death starring right at her "Stay. Away. from. MY. NATSU!." Ino said as she held Natsu tightly in her arms as her Mind's Eye Oracle was still flickering, "Never!." Sasori said as she got up off the ground and lunched at Ino but Ino dashed away from Sasori's attack and appeared behind Taiyo and freed him from two of the clones "Thanks..." Taiyo said as he took out his kunai and sliced at the last clone "Now this is a party!." Taiyo said as he cracked his knuckles then the two will be facing Sasori together.

Ino kneeled and gently placed Natsu on the ground then she stood back up and ready for a good fight "Let's make sure this crazy monster never comes back." Ino said as Taiyo nodded "Right!." he said in response as the two rushed at Sasori, Sasori summoned a Scorpion Clone - Similar to the Shadow Clone only they don't disappear after one strong hit, it also has sharp claws and has a scorpion's tail as both Sasori's charged also the clone went for Taiyo while Sasori went for Ino determine to show which one of the two would be leaving with Natsu but Sasori has a slight upper hand because of her clone but just as Taiyo and the clone clashed and putting up a fight Naruto rejoined with his team by holding the clone's tail and sung the clone into a tree "It's not a party without me." Naruto said as Taiyo smirked and ran past Naruto to the clone "Then hurry up slow poke." he said making Naruto smirk also and ran with Taiyo to show the clone who's boss between them, Ino was slightly evenly matched with Sasori as the two kept showing off their abilities but Ino is impressed of this new power and she's trying to be careful how this fight goes because even Ino knows she doesn't know how long her new awaken powers would last Kurenai slowly woken up and rubbed the side of her head as she slowly sat up and was taken back of what is happening to Ino but she couldn't ask questions now while there's a villain to deal with as Kurenai got back to her feet and shook her head a little, with Kurenai now back in action she summoned a clone and asked it to get Naruto and take him back to the village then to get help from the Daimyo before everyone would get killed and Kurenai wasn't going to let herself down or her newly formed team as her clone left to get Natsu the real Kurenai rushed into battle once more and helping Ino with Sasori once more as she kicked Sasori in the head making her go flying into a tree and also surprising Ino at the same time.

Ino looked at Kurenai "Sensei!..." Ino said as Kurenai too looked at Ino in awe "Ino we'll talk about 'this' later." Kurenai said as Ino nodded and the two got back into fighting stances Sasori had just gotten back up using the tree as support "Lucky shot old hag." Sasori said as a thick mark appeared on Kurenai's left forehead "What did that teen brat just call me." Kurenai said as she let her temper get the better of her and threw shurikens at Sasori but Sasori easily dodged them all and rushed at the two, meanwhile, Naruto and Taiyo had the scorpion clone on the ropes as they just managed to take off the clone's left arm causing it in pain then Taiyo back kicked the clone knocking it out then Naruto used it's right arm and straighten it and ram the arm right through the clone's body making it to deactivate "Finally, this has to be the toughest clone yet." Taiyo said as he bent his back and cracked his back Naruto nodded "I agree." he started then turned to face the other battle "I hate to say it, but she is too dangerous." Naruto said as Taiyo nodded in agreement "Right then, let's take her out." Taiyo said as they both rushed to Sasori and just in time to help them as Ino's new power had just flickered out and on the defense, Sasori noticed Naruto and Taiyo coming at her then she jumped out of the way making the two crash into each other's heads and making them to fall on their knees and rubbing their heads "Ow...What are you made of Taiyo?." Naruto asked who felt like his nose might be broken too "I'd ask you the same thing." Taiyo said while Kurenai rushed at Sasori once more wanting to end the fight as soon as possible.

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