Chapter 11: The First Dragon Summoners

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Mizuchi stopped just a foot away from Natsu's body as he looked too scared to try and attack the dragon but suddenly Mizuchi licked Natsu leaving him covered in saliva "Yuck..." he said as he wiped off the saliva then looked up at Mizuchi who is moving her job getting a good tasted of Natsu "You have a heart of pure." she said as she lowered herself toward Natsu again but she was slowly changing her size from thirty-five feet tall to merely ten feet tall and lowered her head again and got close to Natsu "Now then, shall we talk?." she said as she gave off a soft growl scaring Natsu "Um... How... How can you do that... And how can you talk?." he asked as he used the wall behind him as support as he slowly gets back on his feet, "Oh my dear human, I'm a summoning animal." she said as Natsu's eyes widened at this and he stares into her sword-like eyes "If... If you are one... Then why are you here and not in your realm?." he asked as he was thinking of to try and make it for the other exit but it's a small risk but Mizuchi is watching him carefully "I was sent here by my Father, he wants my kind to have their first Dragon Summoner." she started as Natsu is listening but also walking sideways from the wall trying to reach for the lake "And I have been waiting here for over twenty years, my task is to wait for forty years if someone comes." she said as she stabbed her spear-like tail into the wall on Natsu's left side making him to stay where he is then Mizuchi pulled her tail out of the wall the head of the tail looked like a guandao and Mizuchi smirked at Natsu "And now we might just have our first summoner, you are the only one who can hear me even if you friends can't, that makes you special Natsu Yuhi." she said shocking Natsu that she knew his name just like that.

"How..." he started but Mizuchi interrupted him "I know your name." she started giggling and it sounded echoey "When I lick a person or an animal I will gain its memories, and that's how my kind learns," she said as looked away to see the person who was tailing Natsu on the other side of the wall hiding behind a crystal pillar "Now what to do with you young lady." Mizuchi said as she slithered over to her the girl turned to face Mizuchi and slowly walked back to the wall "I will not speak to you." she said but suddenly Mizuchi wrapped her tail around the girl's body at a sharp speed that the girl didn't have time to react, "You already talked to me so... Too late for that." Mizuchi smirked as she used her tongue to wrap around the woman's head and pulled her mask off showing a slightly younger Sasori as Natsu saw this he was confused "Who... Who are you?." he started then the young Sasori looked at Natsu "My name is Luna Busujima." she said as she earned a raised brow from Mizuchi "Now that's interesting." she started then she turned to Natsu "She answers you, but not me." she said as she turned back to Luna and tighten her bond around Luna more tightly making Luna to grunt several times, "Stop hurting her..." Natsu yelled as Mizuchi turned her head to him "Why should I, I can do as I please." she said as she slowly tightened her tail around Luna more but Natsu rushed up to the dragon and he jumped up to grab Luna's legs "I said let her go." he said as Mizuchi noticed this and softly smirked and she uncoil her tail letting Luna go then Natsu landed on his feet and catches Luna in his arms as he turned around and looked up to Mizuchi "Please don't hurt her, she did nothing wrong other than following me." he said trying to defend Luna as Luna looked at Natsu the whole time since he caught her and never took her eyes off him.

Mizuchi started to chuckle then softly laughed and her laugh was still echoey "My my, you've passed the test." she said as she leaned her head close to them two "What test?." he asked as Luna finally took her eyes off him and looked at Mizuchi, Mizuchi just smirked "We summon animals have different ways of testing humans, I was testing if you aren't scared of death even against someone stronger than you." she said as both Natsu and Luna looked at each other then back at Mizuchi "You... You weren't going to kill me?." Luna asked as Mizuchi shook her head then leaned close to Luna "Tell me something child." started and Luna looked at her and listened "Are you afraid of death or willing to give your life for someone you cared for." she said as Luna nodded her then she looked at Natsu "Um... Could you put me down now?" she asked nicely then Natsu nodded and put her down on her feet, then they looked at Mizuchi once more "Before I give you the scroll to sign your name Natsu." she started then she turned her head to Luna "I shall test you Luna." she said then Mizuchi started her pulse-like howl call and as soon it echoed from within the cavern both Luna and Natsu covered their ears and seeing Luna covering her ears made Mizuchi smiled for the first time in her life then Mizuchi slowly stops her call, "My my, very interesting in deed." she started then she looked at Natsu "Not only you can hear it." then she looked at Luna "But you can hear my call too." she said as Luna couldn't say anything and just simply nodded to respond suddenly a red scroll with golden trims appeared in front of the two shinobi as they looked up at Mizuchi "You only need your fingerprint of your hand to sign." she said as the two looked at each other then looked up to Mizuchi once more "What's the catch?." Natsu started then Luna finished what Natsu started "Yeah.. How do we know you're just taking our souls?" Luna said as she crossed her arms and looked at Mizuchi with a stern expression on her face.

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