Chapter 3: Adoption Day

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The next morning Naruto woke up first he looked down at his right shoulder and saw Hanabi still sleeping next to him, he softly smiled but they needed to get up so he gently shook Hanabi "Hanabi, wake up we can leave the hospital." he said his voice sounds soothing and calm as Hanabi slowly wakes up rubbing her eye and looked at Naruto with a shy but warm smile "Good morning to you Naruto." she giggled and sat up so Naruto could move more as the two got out of the medical bed and both of them stretched a bit "Who to thought you're comfy like a pillow Naruto." Hanabi said as she giggled and covered her mouth with the back of her hand yawning a little, suddenly an ANBU appeared before the two wearing a bear mask "Naruto Uzumaki, Hanabi Hyuga, Lady Mizukage wishes to see you both." he noticed they both are just up then spoke up once more "On your own time that is, I shall let her know you are on your way." he said then he sunshine away.

Naruto and Hanabi looked puzzled then looked at each other "Well...That happened?." Hanabi said with Naruto nodding in agreement "We better not keep the Mizukage waiting." he said then Hanabi followed closely at Naruto as they both headed towards the Mizukage's office, along the way Naruto and Hanabi came across Natsu and his sister Aki "Look, big brother, more of our guests." she said getting her brother's attention as he turned around and smiled at them "Naruto, I heard so much about you, and it's a pleasure to meet you in full health." he said as he and Naruto shook hands "Likewise, and this is Hanabi, she is one of my friends I came with to Kirigakure." he said as Hanabi shyly waved then looked to her left seeing Aki for the first time and Aki seeing Hanabi for the first time too, "Hi, I'm Aki." she said with a smile on her face and her eyes are so white they look almost moonlight "I'm Hanabi, nice to meet you." she said as the two shook hands also but before they chat to know each other more Natsu spoke up "We should get going, Lady Mizukage may have a child-like humour, but she can be mean if your late to see her." he said as he, Aki, Hanabi, and Naruto started heading towards to the Mizukage office.

Upon arriving the group noticed Sakura with Haku having breakfast at a cafe together "Well aren't they look cute together." Naruto said as he and Natsu chuckled a little then Hanabi and Aki went over to see them "Don't bother them too much alright." Natsu said making the two halt and then turn around to face him the two then nodded and thumbs up "They're gonna bother them aren't they." he said which Naruto nodded "Yip, but we can't let Lady Mizukage waiting." he said as Naruto and Natsu headed to the Mizukage office with haste not wanting to waste any more time than they already have, Hanabi and Aki snuck up on Haku and Sakura with Aki making a surprise jump on Haku's back and Hanabi tickling Sakura "Hahaha...Stop it...Hahaha...Hanabi...I'm...I'm gonna...gonna pee." she said then Hanabi stopped tickling Sakura then Hanabi giggled "Sorry, Sakura I couldn't help it." she said with a smile on her face then they both look at Haku who had a comically annoyed face "Just why Aki..." he said being a little annoyed "Because fun.!" she said then giggled.

In the Mizukage office, Mei and Kurenai were discussing other matters and Kurenai was told a bit more of Natsu and Aki's past before Naruto and Natsu arrived "Before we talk about what job you'll give me Lady Mizukage..." Kurenai said then Mei raised her hand to stop her from talking "Please Kurenai, just call me Mei, we're friends now and I can trust you." she paused with a warm smile on her face "Now, what were you going to say?." she asked in a polite tone "I was just wondering Mei, who would faint first!." she said catching Mei's attention of this too, "My my, now that is interesting, I'm betting Naruto would faint first." Mei said earning a smirk from Kurenai "Alright, then I'm guessing Aki would faint first." she said then suddenly there was a knock at the door making both women turn their heads to face the door "Please come in." Mei asked nicely as the door opened up and walking in were Naruto and Natsu, "AH!, Naruto, Natsu. We were expecting more of you, where's Aki and Hanabi?." Mei said looking a little puzzled and waiting for an answer from one of the boys "Oh they both spotted Haku and Sakura at a cafe." Natsu said as he crossed his arms with a curious expression with Mei nodding "Should have known they would do that, but you both will do." Kurenai said as she looked at them with a small smile then Naruto spoke up "Was there something you need us for Lady Mizukage." he said looking at Mei with a puzzling look and his brow cocked.

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