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After a week, everyone had been well rested, granted a few were kinda giving off vibes of making trouble but really they just wanted to get even with eachother even if it means a few were in their collision of choas.

"Charlie, you have everything?" Li asked she was avoiding the red deer she managed to make it seem as though she didn't notice him, and he had tried to trip her, my what a joke.

"Uh yeah, I think so, but what about Al?"

"Who?" Li asked she titled her head a little to make it look as though she didn't know who he was. Charlie chuckled nervously. You can see behind Li a very dark aura behind her, Alastor was smiling madly.

"Hm, is it me, or do I feel like I'm forgetting something?" She asked. I started to check her list that she had, and the last of the notes says, "Remember to bring in some blanket for the new room."

"Ah, I think I might need this." She walked past Alastor and picked up a big clear bag that had a fluffy blanket just looking at it you can see how cozy it was to bad it was red though Li kinda liked it if it was a nice pale green or blue would be nice.

"Now then, it's all done. Bye, ma bye pa thanks for the stay!"

'Sniff' "I wish you could stay longer..."

Her grandfather said he was just getting used to having his sweet grandchild back home and not to mention he was considering buying a badminton rake for them to play like they used to when she would visit.

"Oh, dry up those tears! But please do visit us Li you rarely call and don't forget to be on your best self okay?"

Li nodded, giving them one big hug before leaving in one of Charlie's limousine it was quite spacious on the inside, and they did have sweet drinks on them, too.

"Until later and please do be nice to our grandkids we know she can be a handful."


"Bye, thanks for letting us stay!" Charlie said she was waving out the window, and vaggie had to pull her in so she didn't fall off the moving vehicle.

'Sigh' "can't wait to go back to the hotel. I wonder if the rooms have more space to get more stuff." Angel said he did buy a few things to take and had a few questionable items that brought vaggie to ask them what they were before they left the home.

"Right... the hotel..." Li mumbled. She looked out the window, blocking out the noise that was beginning to grow loud from all the conversations the hotel staff were having. The scenery of the outside was still the same, but with many demons doing their usual routine of killing, stealing, and that one troupe of that one trench coat guy showing off his part.

'I sense you are still not under control Li?...'

'It won't be the same without him. You know I still miss him, and the wound is still fresh yet to be healed'

'I don't follow...'

'I'll tell you later for now I want to be alone in my thoughts, okay...'

With the sound of the moving car was heard she felt as the world had stopped for a brief second the way the streets blened in for how fast the car was moving was the perfect mixture for her to sleep in.

And she did that. Slowly, she let her eyes close, and within a few seconds, she fell asleep her head was against the window before the car had bumped onto a pot hole or a person who knew really but because of that she had leaned over someone shoulder and this caused them to be completely frustrated by how they were now a pillow.

"Aw, what a cute site ain't it red?"

"Angel, I presume you still want that tongue of yours to be attached to your mouth!"

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