Chapter one

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Running away was the only thing coming into Mizu's head as the other boys from the village chased after her

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Running away was the only thing coming into Mizu's head as the other boys from the village chased after her.
Wearing her glasses to cover up her ice blue eyes.
She ran and ran until she reached the end of the cliff.
"Go ahead. Just jump." Said one of the kids, Taigen.

They insulted Mizu until she snapped. She jumped at Taigen but she was outnumbered. It went on till Taigen had enough. He grabbed a rock as big as his head ready to throw it at Mizu when he saw a blue light flying right in their direction.

It hit the muddy ground with force scaring them boys so that they leave Mizu alone.

A day passed

In a rather sneaky way Mizu now lived with a old man, Master Eiji, a smith.

One day Mizu was walking outside collecting wood for the fire when a girl around her age passed by. Mizu realised she didn't wear her glasses she looked down and bumped into the girl. The basket the girl was holding fell down making the onigiri  (rice balls) roll out.

"I-I'm sorry!" Said Mizu quickly.

The girl picked those rice balls up that weren't dirty, wich was still quite a amount of food and turned to Mizu and smiled:"It's ok, I always spill things. What's your name I never saw you around?"


The girl smiled and spoke with her soft voice
"That's a beautiful name, I'm Aoi."
Mizu looked up forgetting what she was hiding, but she saw it in the face of the girl when her smile faltered.

"Y-your eyes?" Mizu looked down ashamed of what will come expecting an insult, "They are beautiful!"

And that's how their friendship startet.

They would meet up and talk and play.
They didn't know how precious they where to each other.

I hope you like it and please vote for my story.
If nobody is going to read this I don't think I'll continue so please tell me how it was.
English is not my first language so I apologise for any mistakes and please tell me if there is any.

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