Chapter twenty one

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Aoi was slightly panting is the words came out of her like a waterfall

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Aoi was slightly panting is the words came out of her like a waterfall.

The woman were staring at each other, no one said anything just staring. Into each others eyes. Blue into brown.

Aoi could swear she was falling in love just by looking into those eyes.

"Aoi.....I'm sorry. If I just knew. I never told you what happened did I? I found some information that would lead me to the men I'm searching.
I got stabbed in the way....I found my mother....s-she found a husband for me. I've been with him for some time, I loved him...but-"

Mizu gulped, as if it was so hard to say it like your throat would form a numb making you unable to speak.

"-he betrayed me. He didn't cheat but he betrayed me for his own pride. It made me feel so down because I thought he was my true love and that he would accept me. I thought he was the only one I need, when all this time I had you. And I never saw what I could have with you and I wasted it."

"I-I don't understand. Why would anyone betray you? And now I said those things to you when you went through that? I'm sorry Mizu. I'm so so sorry. I truly am."

Aoi bowed her head deep till it reached the cold ridden floor, Mizu panicked.

"Aoi don't bow! What are you doing? It's all ok."

Mizu pushed Aoi up by her shoulders so she was looking up at her again.

Aoi hugged Mizu tight not wanting to let go.

"Please don't keep things from me."

"I won't I promise, you know why? Because I love you and I trust you with all my heart so keeping things from you makes it arch."

"I love you too."

"Aoi, this man, Fowler, I need to kill him. He plans to attack the shōgun. That will be my chance to strike him."

"I'll help!"

Mizu sighed, she knew how bad the girl in front of her always wanted nothing but to help, one of her biggest fears was to be a burden, because that was what her parents always said she was. Mizu knew how bad it was back at Aoi's home. She tried her best to always be careful with triggering things.

"You know I can't allow that, don't you?"


"Aoi. This man is dangerous, I don't want you near him do you understand?"

"But I want to help Mizu."

"I know. Please just listen this one time."

"Please even if I'll stay away just anything! I want to help!"

"We need to get Akemi out of there if she is there, wich I'm pretty sure she is as she married the shōgun's son. I will send her to you and Ringo. You will wait exactly at the place I'll tell you to be and you won't go anywhere else. That's what you can do."

"Yes, yes, I will wait there."

"If I don't come back, I failed."

'Way to ruin the mood'
Thought Aoi.

"But you will come back."

"Aoi, I'm just sayi-"

"No I don't want to hear that now. Let's just stay together till we need to go. When do we go?"


"Ok, I'll be prepared."


They just stayed together, both of the shared a futon while the others slept peacefully.

While Mizu's head was in a little pillow Aoi rested her head on Mizu's chest. Both enjoying the warmth of each other.

Mizu woke up early and the rest just woke up after her with Aoi being the last. Sleeping like a rock.
At first she clutched to Mizu real hard but Mizu managed to get her off. Her small hands were holding onto her like a baby holding onto his mothers finger.

Aoi saw Mizu getting ready, her weapon all sharpened.

"Mizu do you think I can go and rush to the market? We will need food for our travel."

"Hai, go and get what you want and take this."

Mizu gave her a bag with coins.

"Thank you, I'll make sure to buy all of the stuff you like."

Aoi changes into her kimono wich was dirty from all the travelling and staying at master Eiji's smith. The floor was always dirty from the wood and stuff so it was bound to get her clothes dirty.

~Aoi POV~

It was a really busy day. Kohama isn't that big, not as big as Kyoto but still big. Well maybe I think it's big. Still today the market was busy.

I went to a vegetable stall and bought everything I need before walking back home.

I saw some beautiful girls my age walking by. They were that kind of girls that cares only for their looks.

They had make up on and their hair was done neatly even their clothes looked perfect.

If I stayed here would I be like them?

I guess I would be.

I always liked to feel beautiful.

But right now I can't really say that.

But that's not important is it?

Mizu is important right now.

So I'm sorry I'll try to upload as often as I can from now on Maybe I can wash my clothes, but that wouldn't make it better would it?

I can't feel like that now! I need to be strong for Mizu!

She is so close to fulfilling her dream I can't stop her just because I don't feel pretty.


I was back home and only master Eiji was inside the house making a new sword it seems.

I startet cooking and preparing snacks, like sushi and mochi's for our travel, I also packed some herbs and ingredients in case we need to cook something new.

I know that Ringo would make soba so I packed noodles.

Some bowls, chopsticks and that's it.


"Are you ready?"

It was Mizu, I turned to her and stood up picking up my back.

"Yes I'm ready."


"The journey won't be that long I think so don't worry."

I didn't worry if it was too long.

"Yes I'll be fine."

And then we startet our travel.
Ok this was kinda unnecessary but I needed drama for what follows.

( Mizu fluff and drama incoming😏🤫)

This may be personal but I know I said I'll upload more often now and then I didn't. That's because I thought I got better but didn't and i had other things to keep up with like my parents thought it would be smart for me to go to a mental hospital at some point but I ended up not going. I didn't want to. But I'm actually feeling better at the moment so maybe I'll get to upload more

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