Chapter sixteen

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"I just miss Mizu

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"I just miss Mizu. I'm sorry I'm so clumsy I'm just making a mess,"

She just continued to console me but I couldn't stop crying.

"If I get you a carriage you could reach Mizu within one day."

"You know where sh-he is?"

Madame Kaji nodded.

"I need to go!"

I wipes my tears and got up then I ran and got all my stuff like my herbs, medicine and my haori. And lastly my knife. Mizu's name was engraved on it.

I gently pushed my thump luvet the kanji signs.

I went to get Ringo and he also packed his things. But he packed..... noodles?

So we put our stuff in the carriage and got in.
The ride was comfortable, more comfortable than walking all day.

It took us two days to reach the destination Mizu must have been already here because if you walk it takes like 5 days.

We sat down and I saw a big castle.

I knew I couldn't go into the castle. It would be to dangerous and I would just be a bother to Mizu.

So we waited.

It was nighttime and I was getting sleepy so I leaned onto Ringo's shoulder and fell asleep.

Ringo POV~

I felt Aoi fall asleep on my shoulder. Sometimes I ask myself how she can even keep up with Mizu. Or with us. I mean I'm not the fittest but I'm fast but she was small framed and couldn't keep up. But she does. Plus she could make a great apothecary or nurse. No she is great she could be a doctor.

It's getting dark maybe we should go a bit further.

"Aoi. Wake up! We should go closer to the castle."

She just groaned befor standing up.

We walked and walked and then we head glass splattering.

Our heads shot to where the noise came from and we saw something fall from the sky.

"That's people!" Said Aoi loudly and then they crashed into the ice water next to us.

Aoi POV~

I didn't even waste time and jumped into the water not letting Ringo protest.
I dived deeper s d deeper until I saw someone trying to swim up while pulling someone with him.

That was Mizu and Taigen. I pulled them both up and Ringo helped me pull them out of the water.

I startet shivering immediately because i was totally wet and it was freezing winter outside. We put Mizu and Taigen onto the carriage and went home to Kohama village to seek shelter.

It was nearby so maybe we are the in one day.

I hope they make it and I hope I'm not getting sick again.

But I already felt it after walking for 4 hours.

I felt like I'm burning up.

"If you are tired just lay down."
Said Ringo, he was always so friendly.

I nodded and later down.

When I woke up I could see master Eiji's house get bigger and bigger meaning we are almost there. So I sat up and when we where at the house I knocked on the door.

"Master Eiji! Please help us."

I guess he didn't recognise me immediately but Mizu's katana fell down making the metal hit the floor. The door shot open and I saw master Eiji.

"Mizu?" He said.

"Master Eiji it's me! Aoi. Mizu and Taigen are hurt we need to help them or they might die. Please can we stay?"

"Come in!"

He said and we put Mizu and Taigen down carefully on two futons.

I know this is the plot but I feel like I always let them die😭

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