Chapter twelve

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At night it gets cold in the shelter so I sat outside with Taigen because he made a fire.
We didn't talk I just observed him.

"Will you stop staring?"

I was snapped out of my thoughts. I nodded quickly and looked away when I saw Mizu with a bowl in her hand. I was still sick so sitting outside isn't the best idea but I was wrapped into three blankets to keep me warm.

"Ringo made medicine for your fever."

I nodded, speaking would hurt because my throat was sore. I slowly pulled the bowl closer. It was more a soup than medicine. With mushrooms and some herbs in it. It had a brownish color but it tasted really good.

It helped a lot, it was so hot that my throat felt less sore and dry.

I finished the bowl and placed it down.

Suddenly we heard something in the woods.

"Step behind me!" Said Mizu. So I stood beside her. Taigen also stood in front of me so I was between both of them.

A big man came out of the woods telling us that Heiji Shindo was offering a tea ceremony for Mizu. It seemed like a trap but Mizu agreed.

There where four horses so Ringo, Taigen and that man got on one and Mizu and I shared one. I sat in front of her so she could wrap her coat around me.

I leaned against her chest listening to her heartbeat.

The warmth of her body spreading onto me.

God how much I loved her.

It's just that I always thought she was my brother, my best friend.

I reached my hand up to my head and felt the bandage. I probably would faint when I see how Mizu stitched it.

Eventually I fell asleep.

I just felt how Mizu pulled her coat higher so it was above my head blocking the light out so I could sleep better.

It must have been a few hours when I woke up.
We stood in front of a very high cliff with a small way through.

Mizu helped me stand steady as we all got off the horses.

"Aoi I want you to stay here. I don't know what will happen in there and I don't want you to die after I nearly lost you." She whispered the last part.

"Ok but promise me you'll come back to me!"

She nodded and kissed my forehead before leaving with Taigen.

I sat uncomfortably next to the man as Ringo made fire.

"You cook?" He asked Ringo who agreed.

"Then cook."

Ringo startet cooking while the man later down and startet to rest his eyes.

"Do you need help Ringo?"

"No it's alright I'm then at at making noodles remember?"

I smiled as he went to gather some stuff for his soba. I watched him walk away until he was out of reach.

I flinched when the man sat up.

I sighed and waited.

I turned away a bit, I always wanted to be kind to everyone but he was the enemy right? I didn't need to care if he took it personal that I turned away from him.

Suddenly a arrow with a red ribbon landed right next to us.

I couldn't even stand up before he grabbed his weapon and hit against the neck with it.

Why always my head?

Suddenly everything went black.

I almost forgot everything that happened in this episode.
And if you have any ideas for this story pls message me.
And pls tell me if you like it or I can make some things better :)

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