Chapter two

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A few years passed, 10 years

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A few years passed, 10 years. Mizu is now 19 and Aoi 16.
Aoi would often visit Mizu and bring her food it often would be mere rice balls but if it was a special day she brought mochi's with her.

Often the girl would visit with bruises on her face, Mizu could only hope there weren't more on places that where covered. She didn't know from what the bruises where but Aoi would never tell her. She always brushed it off as soon as Mizu mentioned it.

While Mizu was training to be a swordsman and a sword smith Aoi was interested in medicine and herbs. There where days when she wouldn't visit and go into town to watch the apothecary instead. By the time she was able to treat her own and Mizu's wounds. She was a great help, that's what Mizu always said.

But after one day it seemed like the happiness of Aoi was sucked out and never came back.

It was concerning.

"What is bothering you?" Asked Mizu while picking up some wood.
"You didn't bring any food with you nor did you greet me and where did your smile go? I notice when you are unhappy because normally you are always happy!"
"I'll bring food tomorrow."
Mizu sighs, Aoi was stubborn she knew that.
She went to speak once more but then she saw Aoi's eyes water. "Aoi?"

"I won't come anymore."
"I'm moving from here."
Mizu frowned:" Your parents don't have enough money to move I know that."
"They won't be moving."
"Wait- I don't get what you are saying."
"They are going to send me away! There are men or brothels that would give them much money so they will sell me off!"
Mizu looks at Aoi, actually this was supposed to be a good day. Mizu felt comfortable telling Aoi she wasn't a boy, she never told her because she was always scared but now.

She was pulled out of her thoughts when she heard quiet and soft sobs.

"I don't want to leave you Mizu!"

Mizu hugged the girl:"I won't let you leave! You will stay with me!"

"But my parents will find me here."

"Then we leave, remember what I told you?"

"That you wanted to get your revenge and kill the four white men in Japan?"

"Exactly! And I will take you with me."

Aoi looked down:"I'll be a bother I can't fight I won't be of any use."

"A bother? You are the smartest person I know, besides who will patch me up if I get hurt?"


Mizu nods, she couldn't leave Aoi behind.

"Thank you Mizu, really, but I need to go home now I promised to be back soon."

Mizu didn't want to let her go, she knew exactly that her parents where abusive,even if Aoi never told her. But she also knew that if Aoi didn't listen to her parents because of her she will get in more trouble so she nods and told her good bye.


Now I walked home it was quiet but my head wasn't.
What if they sell me off before Mizu and I leave? What if they hurt me again? What if they send me to some old pervert or worse to a brothel where I have to serve disgusting men?

Before I knew it I was in front of our house.
It wasn't that small honestly, enough for my family. I didn't understand why they would sell me away if we had enough money to effort food.

"Why are you standing there like a moron? Get inside and help your mother!" I hear my father yell.

Maybe they hate me and that's why they want me to leave.

I nodded and quickly went inside where my mother was making food. I wasn't good at cooking I always spill stuff. I don't know why but my hands always seem to be shaking.

"Come and cut the vegetables!" I heard my mother say with a harsh tone.

I quickly startet cutting the vegetables.

I heard voices, probably my older siblings.  They weren't home often because my parents send them to work but I was too young so most shops won't take me in.

I finished cutting the vegetables and went to my room wich I shared with my two sisters and sat down with them.

"What's that?" My sister Keiko asked.
"What is what?"
"That bruise. It seems bad it's all green and purple." She said as she pointed to my arm.
"Oh that it doesn't hurt at all it ok I put some oil on it so it should heal quickly."
She sighted and looked at me with a sympathetic look, we where 4 children, three girl and one boy, the oldest, we all know how our parents are everyone of us endured their abuse but no one ever did anything.

"Good we should go eat and help mom set up the table!"  Said my oldest sister Mai.

I nodded.

This isn't that exciting or anything for now but I think after the next chapter I can finally go with the original plot so I'll be happy if you read and vote for my story.

Besides this isn't fully my idea so credits go to
@Hanae_23 and I'm sorry if this isn't what you expected 😭

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