Chapter thirteen

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Mizu POV

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Mizu POV

Me and Taigen knew we couldn't make Ito it alive but that's when I heard a horse I looked up and saw Ringo.

We hold onto the side of the horse while Ringo got us out.

"Where is Aoi?" I asked as soon as we came out of the cliff.

"I-I tried to stop the bleeding."

I pushes him away and saw Aoi laying on the floor with a blanket wrapped around her tightly.

"Shit, what happened Ringo?" I said angrily.

"I just went to search herbs and then the big guy wanted to attack me but I pushed him off the cliff but I guess she couldn't defend herself."

I pushed him away and crouched down to Aoi, she looked so small, laying there with this pained expression and her hands clutching her clothes tightly like a child. Why did I leave her alone? I'm stupid. I was careless i forgot about the guy.

"We will go to the nearest city and search for a boat. Ringo you'll come with me and Taigen I don't know get lost."

We walked to the nearest city but they wouldn't give us a boat because there was some kind of festival.

"We need to find a shelter for her."

We heard of a duel and while searching for a inn we watched it briefly.

In the end we went to a brothel, not just any brothel, Madame Kaji's brothel.

I wanted no services form the prostitutes only a conversation with Kaji.

We where lead to a corner of the tea house and a lady served us a tray with tea and sake.

I gently placed Aoi down so she was leaning onto me. How could I be so foolish? I almost let her die!

After a while I heard someone sit down.

"I said I wanted no company."

"But the gentleman asked for me."

I looked up and it was Kaji. I picked up Aoi while she showed me many ways of pleasure they considered to give me in here but I didn't accept. In the end we sat in a room with Aoi on my lap but right now she seemed half awake as her eyes would flutter open from time to time.

"You serve at different places, you must know Abijah Fowler." I saw Kaji clench her fist.

"I have no business with you."

"Maybe you know Heiji Shindo. Maybe he laid a hand on you. If it was his right hand consider yourself avenged."

She actually had a desire, she wanted me to kill a girl who was kept by a man named Boss Hamata.

At the end I was in this room alone with Aoi and I told Kaji I wanted privacy. I tucked in Aoi in a futon that was folded up in the corner of the room and brushed the hair from her face.

I turned away and took my glasses off.

"Mizu?" I heard a soft whisper.

"Your awake! I'm so sorry I leaved you alone I should've known better."

"It's not your fault Mizu. None of it."

"I almost feel better now."

"God you scared me Aoi. I thought I'd lost you, again!"

I turned around and looked at the mirror.
The door opened a bit but I said harshly:"I said no thank you to company!"

"Please or Madame will beat me."

I just quickly put on my glasses and turned around. She was a pretty girl and looked like a princess. She purrs in some tea and holds it out for me. When I wanted to drink I smelled the alcohol.

"I don't drink."

In the end I found out she poisoned it and we fought a bit. I tied her up and brought Ringo in. Madame Kaji actually had a davor for me to do.

So I went away and rod Ringo to watch Akemi and take care of Aoi while I went in my mission.

No this is so bad and I feel like I mixed up the whole episode 😭

And I'm sorry I almost killed this girl twice I'm a bad person🤭

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