Chapter six

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"Mizu? Mizu?" Why was he ignoring me?He was walking so fast I couldn't keep up

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"Mizu? Mizu?" Why was he ignoring me?
He was walking so fast I couldn't keep up. We walked through a snowy forest and it was getting really cold. "Mizu can you please talk to me?" He stopped in his tracks and turned to me. "Do you think I'm a onryō?" I frowned.
"Not at all. You are talking nonsense. Why would you say that? Because of this Hachiman?"
Mizu just nodded, I knew he took it personal.
"If you think your ugly then I can't agree!" I said crossing my arms. Mizu just laughed a bit.

I love when he laughs but he barely does.

Suddenly I heard someone humming a song so I turned around and saw this Ringo guy.

"I found you! I'd never catch up on the path, but I remember this shortcut 'cause when we traveled to the Izushi shrine for my 7th birthday, I went to pee and got lost, so I slept with a family of tanuki for three days and ate leaves and scarabs, and got to know the forest really, really well, so..."

"Go home!" Said Mizu harshly.

"I hate home. Please. My whole life, I couldn't do anything right, but now I know what I'm supposed to do. Be a samurai, like you. Please. Let me be your apprentice. Uh, I'll do anything.

He tried explain paining to us why we needed him I thought he was nice but this was for Mizu so i couldn't get in his way.

In the end he tied Ringo to a tree and walked away.

"I'm sorry." Whispered and then I ran to Mizu.

We where in front of the gate and needed our travel passes. Before us there was a woman who had a pass from her late husband who died but the guard wouldn't let her in because the pass was invalid without her husband so he send her away. I watched with sympathy as she kneeled on the ground and begged:"He died. I make the baskets. He only sold them. Please. Or I can't feed my children."

I really wanted to help her but I couldn't.

Right now we where walking through Kyoto asking people for the way to the Shindo Dojo but everyone ignores us.

Suddenly 3 horses stop in front of us.
Mizu asked them about the dojo and they said it was their dojo.

"You are not going to apply are you? You look like a blind beggar."
Said one of them and hit Mizu with some stick.
"And we don't take whores in."

"I'm not a whore!" I replied angrily.

They just laughed.

"If you would please show me how to find your dojo, I would be grateful."

Sure. Follow the road to the shrine. Once you go around the gates, you'll see the sign across the puppet show. Good luck."

The bickered and rode away quickly.

We walked and walked until we stood informs of a strange house.

Mizu went to look and was suddenly pulled in by two women.

Now I get it, this is a tea house and those are prostitutes.

"You look lost, lost boy. Come on inside."

"Rest a while."

"I'm looking for the Shindo Dojo. Wich I see this is not."

I followed inside quickly as the men standing by the windows outside gave we creepy looks.

"This is better. This is the Shindo House."

"If you wanna show off your sword skills, you can do it here. We can polish the tip up for you."

I cringed, do men really fall for that?

"I must decline. My business is urgent."

"Most men grab first, ask prices later. You're different. Polite, sweet."

Mizu grabbed her wrist that wandered down to his area.

"But firm."

"Okay, lost boy. Walk east to the Kamo River. Take the bridge to the temple with the thousand creepy statues. It's on the hill just past."

"I wish you a successful day of business."

Finally we walked away, I felt uncomfortable there. It was creepy and disgusting. But I also knew I could've ended up like this and I know those women do it for money so I can't think bad about it. Still it's a nightmare for me.

I hate this chapter because it's so much speaking I don't know why but I do T-T

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