Chapter three

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When I woke up the sun has already risen and my sisters weren't sleeping anymore, I looked over to where their futons are supposed to be but they where already neatly folded up. Normally mom would have woken me up. It was suspiciously quiet, something was definitely off.

I walked to the kitchen where my mom was.
"Come,  come sit down I made you breakfast, good homemade udon."
She ushered me to sit down and eat while making some tea.
"Eat, you need to be fit!"
I slowly startet to eat, it was actually tasty.

I finished up and my mom took my hands and lead me to her room. She told me to sit down in front of a small desk. Then she took out what seemed to be a kimono. It was in bright colours and had a flowery pattern. It was light yellow with orange flowers and a obi in a darker shade of yellow.

She helped me put it on and turned me to the mirror making me look at my reflection. I smiled a bit it was a beautiful kimono.

"Now, sit down."

I sat down in front of a shelf with a mirror on top. She took out some white face pint and a brush.

"Sit still and let your okaa-san do all the work. I can't let you have eye bags today."

She startet putting the make up on, first layer the face paint, then making my cheeks look all rosy with a red powder, dark red circles around my eyes and heart shaped red lips.

I looked like doll, nothing like me.

"Now your hair....."

She tried out how it would look when it was pulled up into a bun but she quickly let it down again.

"Why put it up when you have this soft long hair?"

I nodded I liked how she was right now, she was nice, like a actual mother, otherwise she would be yelling at me or even worse hurting me. Maybe she changed or something was terribly off.

"Mom I promised Master Eiji that I'll help him make food today I might be gone for an hour do you think I can do that?" I asked a bit scared when I noticed her tense.

"Fine but one hour only!"

I quickly got up and rushed to Mizu.


Then I saw her come out of the house, she looked a bit stunned when she saw me.
I told her about this morning:"And now I think she will send me away. Do you think today I have to leave?"

"No, no I won't let you leave me. You will go home pack your stuff come back and then we leave got it?"
I nodded quickly and after I stayed for about an hour and made food for Mizu and master Eiji I went back home. There was a horse in front of our house and I knew it was not ours. When I walked inside I saw my parents talk with some man, he looked wealthy and strong, I wondered if this was the man I was promised to. "Aoi this is Yamada Ren."
I slowly looked at my parents but they didn't even made the effort to look at me.

"Is that her? May I take a look?"
I frowned what did he mean by that. He stood up grabbed my chin and turned my face up, down, right and left, he pulled my sleeves up and said:"She'll be enough. Thin arms, pretty face you will get a good price for her."
I was confused they couldn't possibly find a man for me so quick, right?
"Of course she is."
The man still held my arm when he noticed the bruise.

"What is that?"

My parents paled and looked at each other
"W-well-"My mother couldn't bring out more words as he cut her off.
"Discipline?" My parents nodded my father wanted to say something but he also was cut off by him:"That's good, means she has manners and knows to behave. Am I right?"
"Of course she is well behaved."
He grinned creepily, I don't want this.
"Aoi, Yamada-sama we will leave you alone to sort things out. Aoi go serve him tea!"
And with that they where gone.

I startet making tea for him and pouring it into his cup. I was careful but my hands where shaking. Normally they would shake randomly and I didn't know why but now I was scared and nervous.

"It's good. 30.000¥ is what they want, but you are worth so much more girl. They are clearly stupid people probably learned nothing in their whole life. But their children are quite the good ones. If you want to know what will happen to you there are two options. One, you stay with me be my wife and breed my children. Two, I'll sell you to a brothel and earn possibly more money for you than I lost here."

I looked at him terrified, breed his children?
I'm 16 I couldn't possibly do that.

Oh Mizu, I hope your plan will work.
I felt him grab my chin forcing me to look at him:" Either way it's not your choice it is mine."

He was disgusting and I felt like throwing up.

I couldn't do this, how could my parents do this, I knew they weren't good people and I knew they didn't love me but this felt inhumane.

Ok that's chapter 3 guess if she'll escape with mizu or stay with this mf

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