Chapter twenty three

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"Ringo, Aoi I want you both to stay here and wait for Akemi

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"Ringo, Aoi I want you both to stay here and wait for Akemi. If I don't come back by dawn, go."

I listened to it all, if I don't come back, I couldn't even imagine it, Mizu not coming back, living without her?

I can't do that.

"Sure thing master." Said Ringo, he sounded kinda cheerful, didn't he realise that this was serious.

I waited until Mizu was out of sight when I startet walking.

"What are you doing? Master told us to stay here?"

"I don't care Ringo I can't just stay here and do nothing!"

"But it's dangerous."

I shot him a look wich made him shut up, well I knew how to make it my way.

I ran and ran but I heard loud steps behind me and I saw....Ringo?

"What are you doing?"

"I can't let you do this alone."

"Someone needs to wait for Akemi, Ringo!"

He stood his ground, usually I was stubborn but he was too. Maybe he was on the same level as me.


But how would we make it into there. It's the shōgun after all so there will be many guards.

We made it in with just a little fighting but more guards were coming and we ended up needing to fight.

He ended up as Taigen.

(I wish I could keep him out of the story but anyways)

We went into the estate fighting is all the way through to the top where we saw the whole thing from the top.

"What would master do?"

"He is so stupid he would just Gi through the front door."

God Taigen is so stupi- wait that's actually not so dumb.

So we tried to get in and kill al those in our way until we were at the shōguns garden.

We were forced to get on the floor and bow. I would've done it on my own free will but instead those guards kept pressing my head down while I heard Taigen and Ringo talk to them.

They released us and not long after that we saw Fowler and his large army slaughtering everyone in their way and the shōguns army had no chance as they were killed like flies.

We needed to hide.

Apparently they had some tunnel that would lead us all to safety so we went there.

Just before going into the tunnel I stopped in my tracks.

"Aoi! What are you doing? Come in here!" Said Taigen and in his voices I hearted that there wasn't time for drama.

But I shook my head.


"Mizu is in here and Akemi is too so I won't leave." I tried to sound firm but I'm scared as hell.

I clenched my fist to stop my hands from shaking.

Taigen froze.


"She married the shōguns son so she must be here. Mizu said sh-he'll get her out."

"We must find them."

We ran and ran but by every moment I felt my energy leave. Taigen was still running and as he noticed me slowing down he grabbed my wrist and basically dragged me.

We went up the stairs , with me going first.

I looked up because I heard familiar voices when I was meet with the tip of a katana inches in front of my face.

Automatically I flinched away and looked up to see Mizu, Akemi, and down old guy. I looked behind me for Taigen.

But he wasn't there.


Before I could answer I felt rough hands grab my shoulder and on hand my head turning me around making me see Mizu.

"Are you stupid?"

Right, I shouldn't be here. I felt to ashamed to look her into the eyes. What if she can't achieve her goal because of me now?

"Look at me damn it!"

I looked up and she held my chin so I wouldn't look back down.

"I told you to stay away didn't I?"


"And now you are here."

"I'm sorry."

"Sorry won't cut it Aoi!"

"I know but I was scared for you."

"I don't care! Aoi you know I can fight but I don't want you here right now, I want you safe and..... and right now you are nothing but a burden."

"I'm sorry." I think the whisper came even out quieter.

"We need to go."

I felt a bigger, softer hand grab mine and looked up to Akemi."

"Come on we need to follow him."

I nodded, why speaking when I was a burden?

We are getting closer to the end:(

I'm thinking of writing another book but I don't know about what.
Blue eye samurai or some anime?
Like I'm lost fr

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