Chapter nineteen

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Mizu on top of Taigen

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......Mizu on top of Taigen.
They both turned to me. Mizu got up and rushed to me. She hugged me tightly but I didn't hug back. To be honest I was mad.

"Mizu!" I rushed to her and hugged her tightly not caring about the blood that soaked my kimono.

When we all went outside soldiers on horses stopped in front of us and wanted to take Akemi.

"I am not going anywhere, right, Mizu?"

"Just take her."

They took Akemi and went away while I just heard Akemi call for us.

"What are you doing?" Said Ringo.

"I don't have time for friendship." He said to Ringo

"Or love." He turned to me.

"I'm on the path of revenge and I can't risk getting distracted."

"You are no samurai! A samurai is honourable."

"Mizu why are you saying this?" But she just turned away and walked off. I stood there shocked with Ringo by my side.

"Why Mizu? I've been through so much with you why do you leave me?!" I yelled.

I just turned away and went over to the little table where I usually cut my vegetables.
I saw Mizu frown.

She sighted, she ushered Taigen out so we where alone. Taigen didn't even complain.

"I'm sorry."

I ignored her. I was just so angry at her. "I made a mistake, I told the person I loved the most I didn't need her, I don't know if she will accept my apologies but I hope she does. Do you think she will forgive me?"

"Of course I'll forgive you, I'm just angry at you! Why are you so reckless? I know you say things you don't mean but you risk so much! Do you know how I felt when me and Ringo pulled you out of the icy water when you where half dead?"

She looked down I knew she wanted to say something but I just huger her.

I felt her hand pat my head, she slowly pulled out of the hug and her hand went to my chin. I leaned into her touch, her hand was just so warm.

"I missed you."

I expected her to say something but she kissed me.

I was frozen, i didn't know how to react.
She slowly pulled away and I clueless only guess how red I was. She chuckled.
"Gosh you are as red as a tomato!" She basically laughed her ass off while I glared at her.

"What do you expect?" I lightly pouted, it's not my fault she caught me off guard.

I know this is short ( I feel like I say this at every end of my chapters 😃) but please if you have any idea how to continue text me.
Pleasseeee I need advice😩

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