Chapter eleven

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Mizu POV

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Mizu POV

We found a shelter where Ringo startet to make and fire to cook while I tucked Aoi into a futon. I tried to Stich up her head and bandage it hoping I wouldn't hurt her too much. I carefully put some loose strands of hair behind her hair and pulled the white bandage around her head.

She looked so peaceful while she sleeps.

When I saw that man holding her threatening to kill her i couldn't think right.

I loved her. If it meant for me to die and for her to live I'll do it.

I don't know why but she always seems to understand me.

I listened to her slow breathing. Her kimono is still wet from the walk here I guess I should change her but not with Taigen and Ringo in the room.

"You two, go out! I'll need to change her clothes or she'll get sick."

Taigen wanted to complain but leaves anyway. I removed her kimono gently and got something to cover her up. There was still dried blood on her skin so I took a cloth and made it wet to scrub the red substance of her body.

I saw her shivering so I got another blanket to cover her.

I let Taigen and Ringo back in as we ate the soba Ringo made.

I looked to Aoi from time to time and saw how her cheeks are looking more red.

Did she get sick?

I put my hand on her forehead and it was indeed warmer than usual.

"Ringo can you make medicine for a fever?"

He nodded and quickly got to work.

Poor Aoi, she is so innocent and had to go through so much, she sees things no girl wants to see and almost died because of me. If I just put my weapons down earlier she wouldn't have been hurt this bad.

It's all my fault.

After we ate I sat down next to her and saw how she slowly opened her eyes.


"I'm here, I'm here. Everything is alright."

I expected everything. But not that she would cry.

Big tears rolled down her cheeks.

"I thought I would die Mizu. I don't want to die. I need to show you how much I love you first."

She tried to sit up and groaned from the pain.

"It's ok you are not dead. Now lay down you need to rest some more.

She loved me that's all I ever needed.

This is short but it took sooooo long
Btw do you read this in dark or white mode?

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