Chapter seven

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We now stood in front of the large gates of the Shindo dojo and knocked, a little slit opened and revealed the eyes of a man

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We now stood in front of the large gates of the Shindo dojo and knocked, a little slit opened and revealed the eyes of a man.

It closed but Mizu knocked again.

"No new students. Find another school."
It closed but Mizu knocked again.
"I'm not a student. I bring a message for the master of the Shindo Dojo."

Another slit opened and the man struck his hand out for Mizu.

"I must deliver it personally."

The door opened and Mizu walked inside.
"Mizu I have a bad feeling about this."
I said and Mizu took my hand in his to comfort me. "It will be alright." He said.

But I had a bad feeling, we where in a dojo with many trained samurais and I truly believe Mizu is strong but what if he looses?

He won't.
I can't think negative now!

We followed the man inside and stopped in a large room where a man sat. He startet writing some kanji signs.

"You may leave any message with me."

"What must be said must be said to the master directly."

"I assure you, what is for the master is for me, as I assure you the master does not meet with messengers."

"He will for me."

"You stand before the Shindo School. For 200 years, we have taught here the Shindo-Ryu, secret methods passed down from Priest Soto, taught to him on the peak of Mount Kurama by the mystic Tengu themselves. Show your respect."

"I must insist."

"Escort them  anywhere you please that is far from here."

One grabbed my arms harshly and me up as another one pulled Mizu up.

"Come on, blind beggar."

"You are bound by hospitality to feed a traveler within your gates. We came very far. We are very hungry. Or has the Shindo Dojo done away with etiquette?"

Feed them.Then throw them out.

They basically pushed us into this dirty cabin and threw some white sticky food on the table making some of it spill.

"Eat. And leave."

They all laughed and shut the door.

I tried some food and nearly gaged but I was so hungry. I hadn't eaten for two days because we where walking the whole time.

Mizu POV

I heard some swinging sounds so I looked out of the small window and saw a group of trainees swinging wooden swords.

It reminded me of the technique I learned when I was younger.

I remember how Aoi sometimes watched me but ended up falling asleep. I smiled a bit, she was nearly the only one who accepted me. But I felt bad because I never told her the full truth.

I was a woman and she believed I was a man.

I want to tell her so badly but I never found the right time. I'm pretty sure I will soon. I watched as she tried the food and made a disgusted face. She clearly forced herself to eat it.

"Stop eating if it's disgusting."

"But I'm so hungry Mizu! Don't you hear my stomach grumbling?" She asked with a pouty voice.

"When we are out of here we'll buy you some food."

"Mizu, do you think I'll ever see my family again?"

"I'm not sure. Do you want to see them?"

I watched how she thought about it.

"I'm not sure, I miss them very much but I hate them for what they've done."

"Hey. Come on, beggar boy. Move it."

"This will be much simpler if you allow me to speak with your master."

"No one sees the master."

"I cannot leave here until I speak to the master of this dojo."

"Oh, good. We get to kill you."


why does it always have to end in a fight?

How dare you? Be warned. You face my Shindo-Ryu."

"The problem with Shindo-Ryu is it's trash.

A poor technique.

Easily learned.

Easily defeated."

"The Swallow's Return crumbles against the Fisherman's Net of the Rogen-Ryu."

"Then you fight with Rogen-Ryu?"

"No. It is also trash."

"What school are you? Your name and teacher! Announce yourself!"

"You defeat children and take a bow?

"Do I duel the mystic Tengu themselves?"

"Put down that toy and draw your sword!"

Dump decision grandpa, this is going to be a mess.


"then you'll die."

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