I Love Innocence

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At The Royal castle

Jungkook returned to his royal castle. after defeating one more king, and now he is standing in front of the palace gate. It's a tradition in their kingdom that whenever warriors come back home from the battlefield after conquering the battle, they are welcomed by their spouse. Right now, Taehyung is welcoming Namjoon while putting up a garland in his neck made with the night queen flower, the special flower. but Jungkook hasn't have any spouses till now. That's why his mother is welcoming him, but not with garland because garland is only for spouses; instead, she is welcoming him by offering him one thread of gold on his arrival.

"welcome my son step in". Jungkook's mother hugged him with open arms.Jungkook returned the hug, but with a poker face; there was no expression on his face. without even saying a word he walked towards his chamber. "Jungkook listen son"His mother stopped him.

"My son, can I talk to you?" Jungkook's mother asked for permission to talk with his son.How ironic that a mother has to request that her son talk with her.

"Yes, Queen Mother, you can proceed." Jungkook replied.

"Only a few days left for your marriage. Because you weren't here with us, we hadn't completed any rituals in your absence. There are some rituals we have to perform with you before the marriage." Jungkook mother said

" marriage? Oh, I forgot about that. I am getting married soon. Mother, you can proceed with the rituals I will be available to perform then." after saying all this. Jungkook left the place with a poker face.

when he entered the room. He opened one of his boxes, in which he kept Jimin's painting. This marriage is an arrange marriage; he has never seen him face-to-face because he was busy during the marriage fixation. At that time, he was on the battlefield. But as his mother has described the boy, Only after this much praise. he demanded for his picture when he got the painting of Jimin. He was captivated by Jimin's innocent beauty. Indeed, the omega is really cute. Now he wants to own this innocent, cute beauty just for the society. He is a beautiful trophy spouse to show in front of people. after seeing his omega some dark desires have taken birth inside his heart for this cute innocent omega.

"It will be so much fun to ruin you, my innocent spouse after all I love innocency; it's more entertaining to crush a fresh bloomed flower like you. am I right beautiful" Jungkook said it to Jimin's paiting while adoring lustful dirty smirk on his lips.

At Kim's Chamber House In The Royal Castle
Namjoon is playing with his alpha sons. Taehyung is sitting in front of them and watching them with heart eyes; this is the most beautiful view for him after six months. His husband and children are giggling and playing with each other; this is a most satisfying view for his heart. There is nothing as precious to him as his husband and his kids. He doesn't have any materialistic desires like other omegas. He doesn't have a passion for luxury, jewellery, or clothes like other omegas. His husband is his ornament, and his love is his biggest luxury for him, but he is still yearning for this luxury. He hopes that one day he will be able to enjoy this luxury. before closing his eyes and taking leave of this world.
"It's time to go to sleep. Now go to your bed." Namjoon ordered his two kids, Both kids are three years old and cute. Both are too close to their father, but mostly they live with Taehyung, so they are more attached to him.

"They will not go to sleep without listening to a bedtime story." taehyung said it to Namjoon in shy soft voice.

"Yes, Amma, we want the bedtime story you left. in half," one kid asked Taehyung to complete the story.

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