Punishment For Jimin

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Jungkook is walking, carrying Jimin in bridal style, throughout the corridor.

Jimin wants to cry in screams, but he is afraid of Alpha. He is crying silently while hiccuping continuously. He is hugging Jungkook tightly while burying his face into his chest. His whole face and eyes are red because of crying. He is holding on to the person who is causing him pain and hurt. 

Now Jungkook has reached the highest dom's terrace of the castle. The height of this dom is so highest that you can even see almost five kilometers area of the kingdom from its terrace. Jimin is sobbing and crying, and hiccups are coming from time to time from his mouth. He doesn't know where he is right now because he is burying his face in Jungkook's chest while closing his eyes tightly. 

All of a sudden, he felt like He has been thrown somewhere in the air; a shiver ran down his spine, and a strong hiccup came out of his mouth without realizing it he screamed his lungs out. His heart shivered with that sudden throw. When he opened his eyes, he found himself hanging in the air from the terrace of the castle's highest dome. Jungkook held him with one hand while smirking at Jimin.

A loud, screamy, and shrill cry left Jimin's mouth; he is screaming in his cry.

alphaaaa ahaa aaah ah ah "alpha save me alpha alpha I will die." Jimin held Jungkook's hand tightly, trying to be safe from falling. If he loosens his hold even a little bit on Alpha's hand, he will fall down from the terrace.

"Now tell me, Omega, what I should have to do with you. You caused me a lot of pain by displaying your luster and sculpted body to other alphas while you belongs to me. Aha, I forgot one more crime of yours. You were hiding from me. You made my mother lied to me about your health just because you didn't want to sleep with me. This is also a crime: how can you let your alpha starve? not letting me taste you; you are married to me, and it's your religion to obey your alpha without questioning even once, but here you are becoming a baaaaad omega. YOU DESERVE THIS OMEGA IF I LOOSEN MY HOLD YOU WILL MEET TO DEATH AND YOUR BEAUTIFUL HEAD WILL BE SCATTERED INTO PIECES ON GROUND."  Jungkook spat angrily. 

with a dirty smirk on his lips, Jungkook tried to loosen his hold on Jimin's wrist. It made Jimin scared to death.

 alphaaaa ahh aaahhhh. "don't alpha. don't pull your hand away from my hold, Alpha. I will fall down. Save me, Alpha. Don't leave my hand, Alpha." Jimin pleaded while crying.

"Oh my, my until yesterday, my omega didn't even like my touch. and today asking me to hold his hand tightly."  Jungkook mocked Jimin for requesting to hold his hand tightly.

Jimin tried to look down. One loud scream came out of his mouth. He is hanging high in air. He started throwing his feet in the air and tighten his hold on Jungkook's hand with both his hands; if he fell down on concrete ground, his body would be scattered into pieces. Jungkook is enjoying Jimin's crying; it's soothing his burning heart.

"Omega You don't like my touch. Should I have to pull my hand away from this touch?" Jungkook asked.

"Nah no no alpha don't pull, please," Jimin requested

"Why is my touch not disgusting you now?" Jungkook again mocked him while smiling like a maniac.

"Alphaa, don't leave my hand. Alpha, I'm begging you." Aah, ahah, ah, ah, Jimin is repeating to Jungkook not to leave his hand.

Jungkook lay down on the floor and looked into Jimin's eyes while holding Jimin's hand. Jimin is hanging in the air like some non-living thing, and he is looking into those beautiful, captivating eyes. Those eyes are filled with tears and are scared. The whole face is red, and the nose is more red because of crying.

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