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Jeon Castle 
castle built up in a large space around it, with in three-kilometre area. The castle has big, heavy doors in each zone. The doors are so heavy and tall that a normal person can't open them by pushing normally. 

To open these doors, many people have to pull them together with thick chains that are attached to the doors

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To open these doors, many people have to pull them together with thick chains that are attached to the doors. The castle has a big corridor covered with curtain walls. Each zone has corner towers with big peeping holes where soldiers are always on duty to keep an eye with a special mirror, which can help them see things from afar. big moat before the entrance. withstand the onslaught. But still, there is a spy caught inside the castle, which means someone helped him for entering in the castle.

There is one hidden part of the castle. Jungkook has made it for an emergency exit. there is an underground cave that reaches the forest if anything bad happens. The whole royal family can escape from that underground cave. there is one underground cell inside the castle. He made this underground cell just to torture spies and rebellious people or criminals. or if someone tries to go against Jungkook's orders.

( underground cell of the castle, warning ⚠️ mention brutal torture/ mention of blood)

there is one more hidden torture cell. Right now, his guards are beating an enemy spy brutally. Jungkook watching it from afar he came close to this spy and asked.

"Tell me who helped you to enter in this castle, for what purpose you are here, and from which kingdom you belongs to." Jungkook asked these questions in a very soft and calm voice. It's a dangerous peace before the storm.

"emperor king I don't know, what are you talking about? I didn't do anything; I'm innocent, Emperor King. Please leave me alone."  ahhhhhhn haah hahh., spy said in a trembling voice while one guard was hitting him with hunter.

hahaha, "liar,🎶 liar, you are suuuuch a liaaar you are a liar you are a liar.🎶," Jungkook, is singing these words like a song all of a sudden "I HATE LIARS," Jungkook roared in anger; his tone changed from a melodious song to an angry roar within the blink of eyes. His soul threatening voice made spy tremble in fear like a dry leaf.

Emperor came in speed toward spy and snatched a dagger from the guard and stabbed it into spy's stomach, rolling it like key into a lock to open it. He is brutally rolling the dagger into his stomach above his kidneys and below his ribs.

AAAAAAAHHH... "emperor have mercy." The enemy spy is crying in pain. Jungkook is laughing at him like a maniac, enjoying his painful scream too much.

"ki kih kingh leave meee i i eh, I am not a spy." Man completed these few words in a long time because of unbearable pain.

"AGAIN LYING. WE HAVE RECOVERED PROOF THAT YOU STOLE OUR SECURITY SECRETS AND TREASURY DETAILS, BUT YOU STILL HAVE THE AUDACITY TO LIE. Jungkook is saying all this while rolling a dagger into his stomach. A fountain of blood is dripping from the man's stomach, and Jungkook's whole hand is covered with blood. While he was rolling the dagger like this, it created a hole in the spy's stomach through which his intestine was about to come out. The whole cell was rounding with the painful screams of that spy. But Jungkook is enjoying it too much; it's his favourite time-pass hobby. 

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