Where Is My Omega.

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Royal Gemot
"Emperor, we have collected tax from every state, and all the kings from the Jeon monarchy have paid tax. This year's rain was quite good, so food production is also good. Production is quite high; we can store it for the next two years."  Ministry of food and finance officials are informing Jungkook about good tax collection and good food production. Everything is fine in the Jeon monarchy. A wide smile spread across his face. This is the first time during his rule that food production has been comparatively higher.

"Emperor, we are still behind in area expansion. The Emperor of South Asia is increasing their area by developing friendly relationships and battling if some kings are not ready. There is one state where the borders of both monarchies meet; if we can capture or merge this kingdom into our monarchy, we will be safe from rebellious tribal attacks. The king of this state is cunning; he is getting benefits from both sides. He knows if we are going to attack him, South Asia's emporer will help him, and if that emporer attacks him, we will help him, so he is sitting at a place where he is benefiting from both sides because of his geolocation." Security department head, informing Jungkook about this.

Jungkook is just listening to everything with a poker face, not replying to anything. Something big is going on in his head, but he is waiting for the right time to act. He can't show immaturity here because he knows very well he can't battle against this king because of the old treaty, but these days this king has started betraying the Jeon monarchy. This state is important to him, and he has to merge it into his monarchy. He will wait for the right time.
I have listened to everything. "Now all the officials can leave. Gemote is dismissed." Jungkook ordered the official to leave. He himself came out of Gemot while Namjoon was walking "with him.
Everything is fine. We have to tighten the security around this particular state." Namjoon suggested

"Yes, I have already ordered this. Chief Namjoon, we have to wait for the right time and we can't attack on them because of that treaty." Jungkook said.

"I know, King, we'll find a way. There is no problem in the world that does not have a solution."  Namjoon said this with a little smile on his face. He is a strategist for a reason.

"Alpha King, let's have food together." Namjoon said.

Now jungkook Namjoon Jungkook's father and his two stepbrothers, both from different mothers, are sitting at the dining table having their dinner. All omegas are feeding them. They can have helpers or slaves for the kitchen, but no omega does it with their own wishes. It's been considered that if the omegas of the family prepare food with love, it brings happiness and prosperity to the family and kingdom.

Jungkook's eyes are searching for Jimin. All three of his mothers and Taehyung are available in the royal dining hall, but not Jimin. Where is he? Why is he not here with everyone? Is he still sick? Jungkook thinking all this when he heard Taehyung's voice.

"Alpha King, taste this desert." Taehyung served food on Jungkook's plate. Taehyung's voice broke Jungkook's thoughts; he was thinking deeply about Jimin's whereabouts.

Jungkook ate his dinner. Now he is walking towards his chamber in the hope that he will see his omega there. because since this morning he hasn't seen him. The emperor is becoming impatient to see one omega. Omegas, whom he even doesn't consider worthy enough to talk. He doesn't love this omega, but the thing is that this omega has beauty and tastes so good, and he is married to him, so Omega is his responsibility to. A real alpha never falls in love; all the love stories are bookish, not real, because weak omegas don't deserve love; they are only alphas bed warmers and, for breeding purposes, their pups.

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