Attack On Royal Omegas

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In A Dense Forest
"Everyone, be ready. They are about to come close to this bridge; it will be the right place to attack them. so that they can't get enough space to run from this bridge. Listen, warriors, make a circle around the chariot and attack them first with swords and then with arrows, but keep in mind, don't shoot arrows towards the chariot because we want Omegas alive. Keep in mind that we are fighting for the good of our motherland."  Kwon said this to all the tribal fighters, to infuse energy to them and directing them on how to attack them.

hahaha. "The emperor must be waiting for his omega to return to the castle, but he doesn't know his omega is going to meet death today. You caused me lots of pain, King, and now it's your turn to get it all. You are going to pay for your deeds, and don't underestimate me, emperor. I have a good habit of returning things with interest." Keyong said he was in a rage. The emperor has merged his land into his territory. made him homeless. snatched his throne.

"Head Leader chariot is so close to the bridge." Kwon said 

"Be ready, warriors; it's time to take revenge on this emperor for snatching our motherland," he encouraged the fighters. Let them come to the middle of the bridge. than attack  They are all sitting hidden in the forest near the river. waiting for the arrival of Queen Omega.

When the chariot reached the middle of the bridge, all the tribal fighters came out of the forest and started fighting with the royal guards with swords and arrows. The charioteer started shooting arrows towards the attackers; he is not a normal charioteer but a trained bow wielder. Namjoon knowingly appointed him as a charioteer. All are fighting outside on the narrow bridge. Omegas even can't run away like this because they are trapped on the narrow bridge and there is no space left to run. All three omegas are hinding themselves in the buggy. tribal attackers moving forward towards the chariot while killing all the guards. The emperor's guards are also killing tribals. Keyong ran towards the chariot, and he dragged Jimin out of the buggy. Mother Queen tried to save him, but he slapped her so hard that she fainted on the spot.

From another door of the chariot, Kwon is trying to drag Taehyung out of the chariot. He had his eyes on Taehyung for so long, and he was waiting for the right opportunity and moment. Just to fulfill his wish, he provoked Keyong against the emperor and used him to get Taehyung. He knows very well that Keyong is going to meet his death today. Later, after his death, he will become headleader of the tribe, and Taehyung will be his queen because later all the blame will be on headleader Keyong, he will keep Taehyung hidden from everyone.
Earlier, Keyong wanted to kill Jimin on the spot, but when he saw his hands and feet, it attracted him, and he could tell clearly. that the omega is extremely beautiful. He held his hand and dragged him outside the chariot, forcefully made him sit on the horse, and kidnapped him from that place.

Kwon has dragged Taehyung from the other side of the buggy and forced him to sit on his horse. Both Kwon and Keyong are riding the horses on the river bank. But Kwon chose a different way because he knew he should not have to go along with Keyong. Taehyung's husband, army general, will be with the emperor on the way to kill Keyong. He has a gut feeling that the king got to know about the plan, which is why he appointed a charioteer, a hidden bow wielder, and guards. So he separated himself from Keyong because he didn't want to face the devil. He betrayed his leader. He chose a safe zone to run in. This emperor demon will swallow Keyong for touching his omega. He is smirking, thinking that Keyong will die, and then he will announce himself as tribe leader.

Taehyung is slapping Kwon so hard. that he slapped him many times to loosen his hold from himself. He is pushing him Away. He didn't want Kwon's dirty hand on his body; he was disgusted with this alpha's smell.

"Don't do it, Omega; you will injure yourself. If you fall down, it will hurt you, and I don't want my Omega to get injured." Kwon mocked Taehyung for trying to escape from his hold.

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