Lone Tear Of Anger

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That's how days are passing. Jimin is fulfilling all the responsibilities like a good queen, Omega. His behaviour towards Jungkook became so formal; even if sometimes he has to cross the paths with him, he use to walk on his way without acknowledging him, behaves like some stranger, conversation became so minimal, if Jungkook asks something he only replies in yes or no, not showing any sort of pain or discomfort infront of the alpha, he even didn't leave his chamber, he himself doesn't know from where he got this much courage to stay in that chamber where he has to hear their moans almost every night, he is pretending strong infront of everyone, but In hidden he use to cry almost every night for his alpha his heart always yearns for him, he want to hug him, touch him, shower him with love, he lost those circles of arms where he used to feel protected and loved. His alpha did wrong to him, but still he can't stop loving him. He badly wants to unlove him, but he can't help it. Even in this acute pain he is still maintain his dignity, he is ready to suffer but not ready to give up.

On the other side, Jimin's behaviour towards Jungkook is bothering him like hell. His first Omega snatched the peace of his heart. He made him yearn for his one sight. With the passing time, Jungkook's frustration and anger are increasing day by day. He has gone insane after him. His body, heart and soul are craving for Jimin, but for Jungkook, this is not love; he named these cravings his physical needs. According to him, he is addicted to beautiful things, and Jimin is insanely beautiful and a synonym of seduction; he want his beauty, his body and the pleasure he is missing out in his sexual life without Jimin. The pleasure he felt with his first omega during copulation, he never felt that type of pleasure with anyone else before, not even with Ji-Yoo, not even with those uncountable omegas he slept with. He wants this pleasure and this satisfaction every night for his entire life. His heart is not missing him, but his body is the one who is missing Jimin. He doesn't want omega, but his body is the one who want omega. He never found this much attraction and craving for Ji-Yoo, but still, he will fulfil her needs and protect her for whole life; after all, she is soon to be the mother of his child. How badly he want to teach his first omega a lesson in bed? for making him feel some unfamiliar hideous feelings, He badly wants to tell him who is the power. If he wants, he can force himself on him like he did previously, but for the first time, Alpha is scared of Omega. The Alpha, who wasn't even aware of the feeling of fear, is scared now,  he will never dare do something that can cause him to loose his first omega. He can't afford this loss because his first omega warned him, if he ever crossed the limit, he would kill himself, and he understood that the  warning wasn't hollow but firm. That is what Jungkook thought—that he want Jimin to fulfil his physical needs not to love. He failed to understand that Jimin not only satisfies his physical needs but also his soul's needs. 

One Morning At Practice Hall

"Foolish arrogant Omega is ready to die but not ready to surrender. Keeping me starving will lead you into problems, Omega. You are doing nothing but increasing a beast's hunger. One day I will hunt you and f*ck you senselessly till you forget your name and never ever dare to go against me. Let the right time come for my first omega. I will crush your pride beneath my feet." arrrrrrrhhhh.. Jungkook said, roared in anger, and started punching the sand bag to release his frustration.


*punch* ...

*punch* ....


"You will *punch* regret your *punch* your life decisions soon, *punch* Omegaaaaa." *punchhhh*..... aaaaarrrrrrrrhh. Jungkook screamed and senselessly punched the bag multiple time while angering Jimin.

With the continues punches,  His knuckles got wounds and bloody. His mother was heading to the godown to arrange some raw food items and clothes to distribute to the commoners. When passing through the practice hall, she heard Jungkook's angry screams. Mother Queen stopped in the middle of the path. When she noticed. Jungkook is punching on a bag, and his knuckles are wounded. Being a mother, she felt pang in her heart to see her son like this. She clearly understood the reason behind his frustration. She also understood Jungkook is releasing Jimin's anger on this sandy punch bag. She couldn't hold herself back and came to him. 

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