First Night (🔞)

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All the marriage rituals are completed now. Jimin is sitting with other Omegas and family members. All are introducing themselves to him. He is enjoying the attention recieving right now because everyone is praising him and his beauty and gifting him something in beautiful boxes. Jimin is so happy with how many gifts he has received that he doesn't even remember the count. He is just waiting to finish the meeting ritual; he can't wait to open those gifts. He is Queen Omega to all of them. All are bowing in front of him with respect. This chamber is only for omegas; as per custom, omegas can't enjoy functions with alphas. They are busy partying and dancing with other Omega dancers. It's forbidden for reputed omegas to see them dancing with low omegas who don't have a reputation in society. Because these reputed omegas are the pride of the alpha's family and life, to keep their pride alive and high, they have to follow so many unnecessary restrictions. It's strange that they are the pride of their family, but still, most buried under don't have the right to live their lives according to their own wishes.

Taehyung is talking with Jimin. He is feeling so attached to him because it's reminding him of his own time when he got married to Namjoon. Jimin is clinging to his mother. Bora is feeling so emotional for Jimin for her it's painful to leave him. After being nurtured and raised for years now it's time to give up all the rights over now he is Emperor jungkook's possesion. She has a habit of watching his face every morning after waking up. She is happy, but one side of her heart is sad for her omega son.

Ah, "Queen Park Bora, can I talk to you. Taehyung... you to come here; she called Jungkook's mother called them.

Both followed Jungkook's mother.

"Yes, Queen Jeon." Jimin's mother asked

"Queen Bora and Taehyung This is the time to teach Jimin everything. You both know what I am talking about." Queen Jeon said Taehyung felt a sudden shiver in his body. This is the time when Jimin has to give himself to his alpha, and suddenly all the painful memories from his past start floating in his mind. He doesn't know why he is feeling this much attachment to Jimin and doesn't want to see him in pain. Queen Bora also felt hurt and a pang in her heart. but what she can't do anything to avoid it. This is the reality of this society and the fate of omegas. Every omega has to go through this.

Now Jimin is in the chamber prepared for him and Alpha. The whole wing is for both of them. Jungkook's big bed is decorated with flowers, and the whole room is lit with so many lanterns and candles. Jimin is sitting on the bed; he is liking it too much. The bed is bigger and softer than his house.

"Jimin,"......Jimin's mother called him

"yes amma"

"My son, now that you are married, Do you remember all your vows and promises you made with your alpha?" Park Bora asked.

"Yes, Amma, I remember everything."Jimin replied.

"Jimin It's your first night with your alpha king," Taehyung said to Jimin

"first night?" Jimin repeated taehyung in questioning.

"Yes, my son. We are here to tell you something," Queen Jeon said.

"What is it, Amma?" Jimin asked.

Jungkook's mother felt so attached to Jimin. How this adorable omega calls her mother endearingly

"Listen, my son, it's your first night with your alpha king. Listen to your alpha tonight, and don't deny his touch. and affection he will be going to give you, understand." Jimin's mother told him not to deny his husband's touch.

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