Bad Dream

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It's been fifteen days since Jungkook and Namjoon. Both are in the castle. Every morning, alphas practice fighting, and practicing with their weapons is part of their daily routine. They prefer to do heavy workouts if they are not on the battlefield to avoid laziness. 

Jungkook is ruling successfully and taking good decisions for his big, united territory. He keeps good relationships with all the kings so that no one can betray him, or if any king tries to betray him, he kills them mercilessly. That's why all the kings are loyal to Jungkook. Some are loyal with their own wishes, and some are loyal out of fear and don't want to lose their lives and kingdom. It's better to rule under the hegemony of Emperor Jungkook;  Jungkook is responsible for providing them security, and in return, they are paying huge taxes and offering natural resources to the emperor.

As usual, omegas are in the kitchen preparing food for their alphas when they are practicing on the ground. After having their morning food, alphas went to royal meeting halls to meet with some kings who are part of the Jeon Empire.

The royal omegas don't have any work to do except food preparation for their family.

In Balcony

"Jimin What are you doing?" Taehyung asked.

"Friends, haven't you seen how many birds and parrots always comes into our castle's backyards? In our front garden, I am preparing these pots for those birds. Now that it's summer, they also feel thirsty and hungry. In this pot I will put food, and in this one I will put water for them. jimin replied." while decorating a big earthenware pot with colors

Hahaha, "what's the need to decorate it? You can put it simple for them." Birds are not going to praise your art, Taehyung said while laughing.

Jimin made a cute, angry red face while scrunching his nose.
"Don't you like the artistic and colorful utensils in our kitchen? Food tastes better in colorful pots." Jimin replied to Taehyung, Taehyung is finding it so cute. 
Now he stopped laughing at him and sat beside him, he himself started decorating pots with him.

Suddenly, one cat came to them. The cat went directly to Jimin and lays in his lap while snuggling her nose in his lap.

Hahaha, "this cat is really fond of you," Taehyung said. Jimin smiled at the cat and caressed her head with his fingers. cat enjoyed the soft touch; she fell asleep in his lap.

In the Royal Meeting Hall
"Namjoon Now I can't tolerate this Gawanch King's stupidity; he is creating so much ruckus and problems for our border states. He is allowing our enemies to use his land against us. How many soldiers have been killed in yesterday's encounter by tribal attackers?" Jungkook asked, raising his eyebrows.

"Emperor, it's huge." Namjoon is ashamed to tell him because he is an army general. but are still not able to stop these attacks. Every day, he gets news about the casualties on the border. Tribals are killing their soldiers mostly every day; it's causing damage to the state and financial loss.

"Emperor, in the last six months, we have lost eighteen hundred soldiers. Tribal people know the techniques of gorilla warfare. and Gawanch King is providing them land and arms. First of all, if we breach that treaty and attack first, then tribals and South Asia's emperor will come together to help him fight against us because that emperor will never want us to win that Gawanch state just because, due to geolocation, borders will be attached to each other. If we win this, he will never want us to reach there." Namjoon said..

"No general We can't take a risk if we are going to attack it directly first. It will only result in as loss for us. We are still behind in manpower and need some alliances. General, do one thing: send our spies to South Asia and collect all the details of the Emperor's alliances. We have to break his alliances to make him weak, and then we should have to attack him. We should not have to fight with muscle power; it's not required to win every battle. Some battles have to be won with brains,"  Jungkook said while smiling at Namjoon.

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