Entry Of Another Omega

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Gawanch Palace.
Jungkook and Namjoon are both at Gawanch Palace. The king provided them with the most luxurious Chambers. King Bon-hwa is not leaving any dearth in their hospitality.

"General, what you say  should we have to start a war against rebellious tribals?" Jungkook asked general Namjoon 

"We should have to Emperor; we have to crush the heads of all rebels. They have already caused lots of loss and problems, and now it's time to end them. Now that King Bon-hwa is on our side, we can easily crush them." Namjoon answered. 

"Can I come in?" Both heard the voice of a girl. Both turned their heads towards the gate. "Yes, come in," Jungkook permitted the girl. 

"May I know who you are?" Jungkook asked.

"I am princess ji-yoo." That girl replied. Her outer appearance is attractive; she is in a veil but still giving the vibes that she is beautiful.;Jungkook signaled Namjoon to leave the chamber. Immediately, Namjoon left the place.

"Do you know princess, a good omega should not have to come into some unknown alpha's chamber like this," Jungkook said while smirking. He is liking her presence in his chamber. This omega girl is grown and has a scent. Jungkook is liking the smell of her scent.

"You are not some random alpha; you are soon to be my husband. and it's my responsibility to take care of all the needs and necessities of my husband. I came here to see if you want something." Princess Ji-yoo said ,

when she said that she is responsible for taking care of her husband's needs. These words impressed Jungkook way too much. a grown omega with scent and ready to render herself. Jungkook came close to her.

"Omega, can I get the privilege to see your beautiful face?" Jungkook asked.

With only request. Ji-yoo opened her veil for Jungkook. When Jungkook saw her face, he found her beautiful and attractive, and on top of that, she has a sweet scent.

"Why are you alone? Where is your sister?" Jungkook asked. 

When Alpha asked about her sister, it made Ji-Yoo's mood sour. She is not liking it when her dream man is asking about some other omega in front of her. but she hid her soured mood behind her fake smile.

"Emperor She is busy with some work and she is not much interested in marrying you, but our father wants her to marry you," Ji-Yoo replied.

Jungkook was looking at her and smirking. Beautiful Omega talking with confidence attracts him even more. He came close to her and looked into her eyes. "Ji-yoo It's too late; now go to sleep like a good girl." Jungkook said this with a smile on his face.

The girl left the chamber immediately. like a good slave.

Now Jungkook is lying on the bed, thinking about how to attack the tribals. All of a sudden, he heard a singing nightingale's voice. This soothing and beautiful voice reminds him of Jimin.

"Nightingale, your voice is as sweet as my omega, my Jimin." He closed his eyes while remembering Jimin. when he closed his eyes. Jimin's crying face flashed in front of his eyes, just as he left him crying. He felt something like sadness type of feeling in his heart but he shrugged it off. His beautiful omega was crying when he left the castle. Jimin's beautiful eyes were red and filled with tears.

Omegaaaeh, you are making me insane, and I am not liking it. I can't think about you. I should have to concentrate on my responsibilities as an emperor instead of allowing myself to getting caged in the cage of your beauty. A warrior can't be the slave of a beauty. I shouldn't have to think about you all the time. Marrying with these omegas is the right decision to keep me sane. These omegas will help me distract my mind from you. I can't fall in love with you—not with you, not with anyone. I will treat all three omegas equally. with these thoughts Jungkook. He closed his eyes and went to sleep.

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